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Even the impassive broncos that the party rode lifted their heads inquiringly, and snorted as if in equine astonishment at the magnificent spectacle. One familiar with the place would have noticed something, which, to his mind, would have seemed more surprising than the pageantry of the mountains in their morning sun-bath.

The miner took the empty cup and gazed inquiringly into it. "Humph! you've drunk it, every grain." "Drop, you mean," suggested Tom, laughing at the man's expression; "of course I have, and why not? There's plenty more of the same tap here." "Oh, I wouldn't mind the water," replied the man, "if ye had only left the gold-dust behind, but you've finished that too."

She was returning leisurely through the stretch of woodland, when, catching sight of him as he swung vigorously ahead, she quickened her horse's pace and overtook him as he glanced inquiringly back. "Divide the worm, early bird," she cried gaily. He paused as she did, laying his hand on the horse's neck. "There wasn't but one and you got it," he retorted lightly. "Have you been far?"

The taxi stand was at our left, and they came almost directly toward us. As they approached, Sheener stepped forward, a cheap, somewhat disreputable, figure. His hand was extended toward the younger man. The son saw him, looked at him in some surprise, looked toward his father inquiringly. Evans saw Sheener too, and a red flush crept up his gaunt cheeks.

Andrew tried to speak quietly, but there was a something of hope in the inflection, a tremor of eagerness in the utterance, that made the mother look up quickly and inquiringly. August opened his eyes slowly and looked into the face of the Philosopher.

"This interview may prove trying for you." Anita had only time to nod before Mr. Mallowe stood before them. He paused for a moment, glanced inquiringly at Blaine and then advanced to Anita with outstretched hand. If he had ever seen the detective before, he gave no sign. "My dear child!" he murmured, unctuously.

A look of surprise came into them, but they almost immediately closed again. A dose of hot brandy was given. This time he recovered considerably, and looked round him inquiringly. "You will do now, my man," cried the captain encouragingly. "Try him with the food," he added. Mrs. Cromwell brought the roughly minced meat and soddened bread and placed a spoonful in the sufferer's mouth.

"She is crying, madame?" said Edouard, inquiringly, and taking a step towards them. "Why, you see she is, you foolish boy.

He began to anticipate the most dreadful of fates. "De poor little Billy and I will be drowned down here in dis dark hole, and no one come to look for us. What me do? Oh dear! oh dear! Poor little Billy!" Then he wrung his hands bitterly, while Billy stood between his knees, looking up inquiringly into his face, and wondering what made him so unhappy.

The professor's face was so full of perplexity that in the reaction after the pain of the sudden good news, his friends began to laugh again, making the clever scientist turn his eyes inquiringly upon the doctor. "Well, it's a fact," said the latter. "You did." "What!" cried the professor indignantly. "That I didn't! I said that German gentleman was a fool."