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"You dam Yankee, stop Injin when him go wigwam," commenced Ronayne, rising at the same time and imitating the action of one unsteady from intoxication. "'Spose tell him gubbernor?" "Ah! you horrid wretch I see it all now, yet could I have been so imposed upon? You then were the pretended drunken Indian I let out that night? Upon my word, Master Ronayne. I never will forgive you for that trick."

Injin Charley had finished the first canoe, and was now leisurely at work on another. Thorpe had filled his note-book with the class of statistics just described. He decided now to attempt an estimate of the timber. For this he had really too little experience. He knew it, but determined to do his best.

"That's it, Judith; that's the very difficulty! The rock's within p'int blank for a shot-gun, and 'twill never do to hover about it too close and too long. When you have to deal with an Injin, you must calculate and manage, for a red natur' dearly likes sarcumvention.

A message should be delivered as nearly like the words that were actually sent as possible." "Wor-r-ds! And it isn't wor-r-ds at all, that I have to give ye." "If not a message in words, in what else can it be? Not in sticks, surely." "In that" cried Mike, exultingly "and, I'll warrant, when the trut' comes out, that very little bit of silver will be found as good as forty Injin scalps."

In this way I ran for dear life till I came up to the cover. As I came close up I saw our six fellows crouchin' in the bushes, and one o' them takin' aim almost straight for my face. 'Your day's come at last, thought I, looking over my shoulder at the big Injin, who was drawing his bow again.

"A most satisfactory account of yourself," said Will Osten. Thus appealed to, the gratified native began without hesitation, and gave the following account of himself: "Me dun know when me was born " "Faix, it wasn't yesterday," said Larry, interrupting. "No, nor de day before to-morrow nother," retorted Bunco; "but it was in Callyforny, anyhow. Me fadder him wos a Injin "

'As soon as they gave US baggonets, too, there was no want of standing up to the work. It seems to me, corporal, you overlook the fact that Injins carry no baggonets." "Every army uses its own weapons. If an Injin prefers his knife and his tomahawk to a baggonet, it is no affair of mine.

"So would I, for it would make a confounded queer looking creatur' of you. I would like to see an Injin got up in that style; just think of Tecumseh with a big mustache and whiskers! Beavers!" The conceit was equally enjoyed by Deerfoot, who fairly shook with mirth.

All were glad to see Nick, for he was known to have a sure rifle; to be fearless as the turkey-cock; and to possess a sagacity in the woods, that frequently amounted to a species of intuition. "Who lead, cap'in or Injin?" asked the Tuscarora, in his sententious manner. "Och, Nick, ye're a cr'ature!" muttered Mike.

But you know more of catching foxes in winter, and climbing mountains in summer, and the grip of the arm of an Injin girl, than of these things. You are young, quite young in the world, Tom Liffey."