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“I think it beneath the dignity of my office to parley further with the prisonersthe sheriff observer to his companion, while they both retired with a precipitancy that Captain Hollister mistook for the signal to advance. “Charge baggonetshouted the veteran; “ march

The doctors said she must be kept quiet in bed; if she stirred for five days she was a lost woman. Well, one afternoon as I was cutting a bit o' grass at th' bottom o' th' orchard for the osses, again they came from ploughing the fallows, I heard a shriek that went through me like a baggonet. Down I flings th' scythe. 'That's Lizzy, and no other! I shouted to myself.

The corporal, moreover, fixed his "baggonet," as he called the formidable, glittering instrument that usually embellished the end of his musket a MUSKET being the weapon he chose to carry, while the bee-hunter himself was armed with a long western RIFLE.

Carry gun, but no carry baggonet; no carry knapsack. No wear red-coat. Look like town-meetin'; fight like devils." "A line as long as from this to the mill, three deep, would contain about two thousand men, Beekman. Is that what you wish to say, Nick?" "That about him pretty near just so."

All this has been done to armed men, while the Lord has brought ME, an unarmed and humble teacher of his word, safely out of the hands of the Philistines, and placed me here in safety, on the shores of the Kalamazoo." "For that matter, Mr. Amen, the Lord has done the same by ME, with a musket on my shoulder and a baggonet by my side," returned the literal corporal.

I speak of a charge as I see it; and the soldier who relies on a tomahawk instead of a baggonet, should stand in his tracks, and give tomahawk play. No, no, Bourdon, seeing is believing. These red-skins can do nothing with our people, when our people is properly regimented, well officered, and thoroughly drilled.

Some are panthers, and some bears, and some buffaloes; but where are your weasels? I have fit you now these twenty years, and never have I known ye to stand up to the baggonet. It's not Injin natur' to do THAT."

He was a soldier in revolution times, and sarved his seven years with Washington. The English used to boast that the Americans wouldn't 'stand up to the rack, if the baggonet was set to work; 'but this was before we got our own toothpicks, said the old man.

I shall depend chiefly on the baggonet, which is the best tool to put an Injin up with; and as he falls back, before my charge, we must keep him under as warm a fire as possible. Having no cavalry, the dog might be made useful in movements to the front and on our flanks."

"Nay, sir, but I won't pretend to sleep in the house, if Franklin isn't to have a blunderbuss, and I a BAGGONET." "You shall have both, indeed, Mrs. Pomfret; but don't make such a noise, for everybody will hear you." The love of mystery was the only thing which could have conquered Mrs. Pomfret's love of talking.