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I could not help thinking, in spite of all that he must be so expert, that, if he really were a smuggler, he had all the poise and skill at evasion that would entitle him to be called a past master of the art. "You see that woman over there? "he whispered. "She says she is just coming home after studying music in Paris." We looked. It was the guileless ingenue, Mademoiselle Gabrielle.

It established her at once as an unstagey ingenue simple, unspoiled, unacquainted with the formulas and formalities of the world. Miss Sherwood, in her easy possession of the situation, banished Dick with "Run away for a while, Dick, and give us two women a chance to get acquainted."

The reason I write promptly is that you may not go out of the country just now. That sweet little Milbrey chit really, Avice is far too old now for ingenue parts has not only grappled the son with hooks of steel, but from remarks the good mother dropped concerning the fine qualities of her son, she means to convert the daughter's dot into Milbrey prestige, also.

"Again why do you play vampire roles, Miss Loring?" I asked, as quickly as the thought flashed to me. "I think you'd be an ideal ingenue!" "About a thousand people have told me that," she rejoined. As she replied her smile took full possession of her features. My idiotic repetition, entirely out of place, had served to restore her self-control to her. "No, the public won't stand for it.

Reflecting that my health might suffer from being thrown so early into the difficulties of stage life he refused these offers and accepted a more modest place, as ingenue, in the Royal Company, under the auspices of the King of Sardinia and stationed during several months of the year at Turin.

"Talbot Potter leaves the stage because a little 'ingenue' understudy tries to break the rules of his company! Likely, isn't it?" "Looks so," said old Tinker. "Does it?" retorted Potter with rising fury. "Then I'll tell you, since you seem not to know it, that I'm not going to leave the stage!

The fact is, the old lady believed Rebecca to be the meekest creature in the world, so admirably, on the occasions when her father brought her to Chiswick, used Rebecca to perform the part of the ingenue; and only a year before the arrangement by which Rebecca had been admitted into her house, and when Rebecca was sixteen years old, Miss Pinkerton majestically, and with a little speech, made her a present of a doll which was, by the way, the confiscated property of Miss Swindle, discovered surreptitiously nursing it in school-hours.

Say, if you ever walked up Fifth Avenue you would block the traffic! And in the palm-garden at the Waldorf why, you and the head waiter would own the place! Are you trying to string me by asking such questions? Are you a real ingénue, or a kidder?" "I hardly know what you mean, but I assure you that here in Morovenia they laugh at me because I am not fat."

Her voice was young, too, the fact being that Magsie was frightened, and that Nature was helping her play her first big ingenue part. Rachael glanced in the darkness at Warren. He had not joined in the applause, nor did his handsome face express any pleasure.

Her evenings come nearer approaching the dignity of a salon than any occasion, except, perhaps, a Tony Faust and Marguerite reception at the Iron Front. Miss St. Vitus, whose advent into society's maze was heralded by such an auspicious display of hospitality, is a slender brunette, with large, lustrous eyes, a winning smile, and a charming ingenue manner.