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"And you would be inferior to my chimera, to the Durtal I adore, whose caresses make my nights delirious!" He looked at her in stupefaction. She had that dolent, troubled look in her eyes. She even seemed not to see him, but to be looking into space. He hesitated.... In a sudden flash of thought he saw the scenes of incubacy of which Gévingey had spoken.

Women smitten with hystero-epilepsy see phantoms beside them in broad daylight and mate with them in a cataleptic state, and every night couch with visions that must be exactly like the fluid creatures of incubacy. But these women are hystero-epileptics, and Gévingey isn't, for I am his physician. Then, what can be believed and what can be proved?

Now, if you'll be so good, put off your cross-examination to some other time, because I am in an awful hurry. At nine o'clock. Don't forget. Be all ready." He had hardly time to kiss her and she was gone. "Well," said he, "I already had data on incubacy and poisoning by spells. There remained only the Black Mass, to make me thoroughly acquainted with Satanism as it is practised in our day.

In other words, is a cold body a presumable symptom of incubacy, as of old the inability to shed tears served the Inquisition as proof positive to convict witches?" "Yes, I can answer you. Formerly women smitten with incubacy had frigid flesh even in the month of August. The books of the specialists bear witness.

"Indeed, what can she have been up to with that abbé who was her confessor and who, by her own admission, launched her into incubacy? She has been his mistress, that is certain. And how many other of these priests she has gone around with have been her lovers also? For she confessed, in a cry, that those are the men she loves.

"I hear, monsieur, that you are occupied with a history of Gilles de Rais," said Gévingey to Durtal. "Yes, for the time being I am up to my eyes in Satanism with that man." "And," said Des Hermies, "we were just going to appeal to your extensive knowledge. You only can enlighten my friend on one of the most obscure questions of Diabolism." "Which one?" "That of incubacy and succubacy."

"Do you believe that he indulges in sorcery, that he celebrates the black mass?" "It is quite possible." "Pardon me for dunning you, for extorting information from you as if with forceps suppose I were to ask you a really personal question this faculty of incubacy ...?" "Why, certainly I got it from him. I hope you are satisfied." "Yes and no.

"That and the witchcraft and incubacy and succubacy which I will tell you about; or rather, I will get another more expert than I in these matters to tell you about them. Sacrilegious mass, spells, and succubacy. There you have the real quintessence of Satanism." "And these hosts consecrated in blasphemous offices, what use is made of them when they are not simply destroyed?"

Well, her obscene selfishness is one of those complicated sins that have to be shriven by the very highest confessor. She's a plain teaser! "I don't know. Incubacy enters into this. She admits so placidly! that in dream she cohabits at will with dead or living beings. Is she Satanizing, and is this some of the work of Canon Docre? He's a friend of hers. "So many riddles impossible to solve.

And Rome is not unaware of the frightful advance incubacy has made in the cloisters in our days." "That proves that continence is hard to bear in solitude," said Des Hermies. "It merely proves that the soul is feeble and that people have forgotten how to pray," said Carhaix.