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"The thing is a small knot of self-anxious people who think that they possess among them all the bowels of the world." "Possess all the what, Reginald?" "I said bowels, using an ordinary but very ill-expressed metaphor.

It was an ill- mannered and ill-expressed letter, which had been considered presuming, and had been answered chillingly with a mere five-pound note, clearly explained as a final charity.

It was ill-expressed at best, and such musical terms as "Rations of Concords," "Trilloes," "Trifdiapasons," "Leaps," "Binding cadences," "Disallowances," "Canons," "Prime Flower of Florid," "Consecutions of Perfects," and "Figurates," make the book exceedingly difficult of comprehension to the average reader, though possibly not to a student of obsolete musical phraseology.

"It would please me better," retorted Mrs. de Tracy severely, "if my grandson showed signs of mental improvement as well as bodily health. His letters are ill-spelled, ill-written, and ill-expressed. They are the letters of a school-boy." "He is not much more than a school-boy, is he?" suggested Mark, "only fifteen! The mental improvement will come; too soon, for my taste.

Ill-expressed as this little speech was, from the flowery standpoint of Indian etiquette, nevertheless its subtlety gained applause. The Indians grunted deep ejaculations of pleasure. "Good boy!" muttered Sam Bolton, pleased. Dick lifted the robe and touched it to the girl's hand. She gasped in surprise, then slowly raised her eyes to his. "Damn if you ain't pretty enough to kiss!" cried Dick.

It was a letter such as a schoolboy might have written, but Jane treasured the ill-expressed sentiments as maidens of a bygone age may have treasured their lovers' shields; and although she left the letter lying about on her dressing-table, after the manner of modern young women, it was none the less the dearest possession of her life until the next one arrived.

They are satisfied if they have only words which they can pass as current, as was well shown and not ill-expressed by my own Mephistopheles: "Mind, above all, you stick to words, Thus through the safe gate you will go Into the fane of certainty; For when ideas begin to fail A word will aptly serve your turn," etc. Goethe recited this passage laughing, and seemed altogether in the best humor.

Whenever he found his parents laugh at a sentence which he deemed very pathetic, he set himself at once to correct it to a simpler style; whenever they asked him for an explanation of a word, or line, he noted it down as ill-expressed, or obscure; and whenever either his father or mother asked for a repetition of a song which they had heard before, he marked the slip of poetry so honoured as a success.

McFarlane in Edinburgh, and then hastened to London to ask the advice of the dearest friend he had in the world on the subject of this ill-written and ill-expressed letter. It ran as follows: "Melbourne, 20th April, 185-. "My Dear Son Frank, "I have heard that you are come into the property at last.

The magnificence of every great man, whether pope, king or dilettante, was ill-expressed before his fellows if he were not constantly surrounded by the storied cloths that were the indispensable accessories of wealth and glory.