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Updated: August 6, 2024
He had turned Persian poetry into English prose, and English prose into Greek iambics; he was an authority upon coins; and one other thing oh yes, she thought it was vehicular traffic. He was here either to get things out of the sea, or to write upon the probable course of Odysseus, for Greek after all was his hobby. "I've got all his pamphlets," she said. "Little pamphlets. Little yellow books."
Hobbs declares that he raised a salmon there; but I can't say I've ever seen one myself; though I have fished here every other morning for many weeks." Mr Sudberry had not quite finished speaking when Fred's rod was bent into the form of a large hoop. "Hallo! here, father, take it I don't know what to do." What a blaze of excitement beamed on the father's countenance!
The conversation had in the first place to be kept away from that. And in the second place it had to be kept away from the abrupt exploitation of the new theological developments. He felt that something of the general tension would be relieved if they could all three be got to sit down. "I've been talking for just upon two hours," he said to Lady Ella. "It's good to see the water boiling for tea."
"I've brought your nephew home," continued Miss Salome, laying her hand encouragingly on Chester's shrinking shoulder. "I have had him hired for some time on my farm at Hopedale, but I didn't know until yesterday that he had run away from you. When he told me about it, I thought he ought to come straight back and return your four dollars, and so did he. So I have brought him."
"Not at all," he stammered; "that is, I mean I am new to this business, you see." "You are a practical man, I hope, sir? asked Mr Nicholls. "I I've spent the most part of my life at sea, if you'd count that bein' practical," said Cai modestly. "To be sure I do," Mr Nicholls assented. "It's as practical as farmin', almost." "In a manner o' speakin' it is," agreed Mr Widger grudgingly.
Of course you didn't hit it regular, but there's been times when I've thought that if I could have three or four customers like you I'd retire in a year an' spend the rest of my life countin' my dust!" He was suddenly serious, catching Dakota's gaze and winking expressively. "Friend of yourn here," he said.
"May I glance through it?" Tabs unfolded the scribbled sheets of paper. They were torn from an Army note-book. "My darling Ann: The jolly old war drags on and seems as though it were never going to end. Not that I've much to kick about, for it's proved a chance for me. Here's the great news.
On coming out of the colonel's quarters, Lieut. D'Hubert said nothing to the friend who was waiting outside to take him home. He said nothing to anybody. Lieut. D'Hubert made no confidences. But on the evening of that day the colonel, strolling under the elms growing near his quarters, in the company of his second in command, opened his lips. "I've got to the bottom of this affair," he remarked.
"You must sit by yourself, aunty," said that contriving young lady, "because I must sit by Tom; I've a great deal to say to him."
I've borrowed it from him more than once to clean out the horses' hoofs." "Bot' t'umbs up! I'd hang that b'y to a beam if I had him here. He cut that rein as sure as God made little apples," declared Mike, vehemently. "An' the gall av him to go an' sit there in the ould stand to watch the Black run away wit' somewan an' kill 'em.
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