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The plover is heard whistling high in the air over the dry pastures, the finches flit from tree to tree, the bobolinks and flickers fly in flocks, and the goldfinch rides on the earliest blast, like a winged hyla peeping amid the rustle of the leaves.

"I tell you I love the peeping of the Hyla in a pond in April, or the evening cry of the whippoorwill, better than all the bellowing of all the Bulls of Bashan, or all the turtles of all Palestine." Any personal details about his life which Emerson gives us are always welcome.

This day, for the first time, I heard the song of the Canada sparrow, a soft, sweet note, almost running into a warble. Saw a small, black velvety butterfly with a yellow border to its wings. Under a warm bank found two flowers of the houstonia in bloom. Saw frogs' spawn near Piny Branch, and heard the hyla." Among the first birds that make their appearance in Washington is the crow blackbird.

Jug o' rum! and early in the spring, countless thousands of the commonest species, up to the throat in cold water, sang in concert, making a mass of music, such as it was, loud enough to be heard at a distance of more than half a mile. Far, far apart from this loud marsh music is that of the many species of hyla, a sort of soothing immortal melody filling the air like light.

Not a crow, nor a jay, nor a chickadee had heart enough to cheep. But little Hyla, the tree-frog, was nothing daunted. Since the last week in February, throughout the spring and the noisy summer on till this dreary time, he had been cheerfully, continuously piping. This was his last call. Peep, peep, peep! he piped in February; Peep, peep, peep! in August; Peep, peep, peep! in December.

But all these were the usual voices of the night the voices of the southern forest and they produced no strange impression upon the listening hunters. The call of the Hyla, indeed loud and oft-repeated as it was warned them that a rain-storm was near; and the darkness of the sky above confirmed the warning.

Instead, the old leaves on the limbs rattle and waver down; the cornfield is only an area of stubs and long lines of yellow shocks; and in the corners of the meadow fence stand clumps of flower-stalks, joe-pye-weed, boneset, goldenrod, bare and already bleaching; and deep within their matted shade, where the brook bends about an elder bush, a single amber pendant of the jewel-weed, to which a bumble-bee comes droning on wings so loud that a little hyla near us stops his pipe to listen!

Toad was somewhere on the bank. Presently Peter came to a place where the bank was very low and the water was shallow for quite a little distance out in the Smiling Pool. From out of that shallow water came the piping voice of a hyla, and Peter stopped to stare, trying to see the tiny singer. Suddenly he jumped right up in the air with surprise.

Did you see much of the Hyla when you were out there?" "No such name on the list," answered the seaman, with decision. "There's the Hydra, a harbor defense turret-ship, but she never leaves the home waters." The Doctor laughed. "We live in two separate worlds," said he.

Hybrid birds, production of. Hydrophobia, communicable between man and the lower animals. Hydroporus, dimorphism of females of. Hyelaphus porcinus. Hygrogonus. Hyla, singing species of. Hylobates, absence of the thumb in; upright progression of some species of; maternal affection in a; direction of the hair on the arms of species of; females of, less hairy below than males.