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"Oh, that is all nonsense," Mr. Cartwright said good humoredly; "you are not afraid of me, and you needn't be afraid of my daughter. She is only a child of fifteen, and of course takes you at my estimate, and is disposed to regard you as a remarkable mixture of the martyr and the hero, and to admire you accordingly.

When he had finished reading his own, he seemed disposed to linger, for he took from the fruit dish the mate to the red apple he had given Maje, and commenced to peel it with his clasp knife. “What has our friend Belle Worthington to say for herself?” he inquired good humoredly. “How does she get on with those Creoles down there?”

When the Professor first mentioned this fact, he was good humoredly laughed at, but, as stated in an earlier part of this chapter, the possibility has been so clearly demonstrated, that people have long since admitted as a possibility what they had first denounced as an utter absurdity.

"Why, yes, sir, to be sure, so it might!" Max returned, laughing good humoredly. "What kind of fun is it you boys have planned for us girls?" asked Lulu. "Never you mind," said Max; "you'll see when the time comes; the surprise will be half of it you know."

'You can't persuade Campbell of that, said she. 'He is apt to undervalue his own works, and to consider his own little lights put out, whenever they come blazing out with their great torches. "I repeated the conversation to Scott some time afterward, and it drew forth a characteristic comment. 'Pooh! said he, good humoredly; 'how can Campbell mistake the matter so much?

"You mustn't have just one ideal of woman, or you'll lose the art of painting the sweetest phases of womanhood," replied the busy housemaid from the sepulchral closet. "Oh! if I have such excellent models as you make in that checked apron and dusting cap, I can do nobly." Grace laughed good humoredly as she cleaned her palette and set Hebe in one corner.

She was so innocent about her little vanities, and conducted them with such child-like complacency, that the girls tolerated them quite good humoredly, and even assisted sometimes. One of them generally volunteered to brush her long flaxen hair, and tie her ribbon, and half out of habit the others would tidy her cubicle, which was apt to be chaotic, and put her things away in her drawers.

"It requires a wise man to believe, Wilson," the Doctor said; "any fool can scoff; the wise man questions. When you have been here as long as I have, and if you ever get as much sense as I have, which is doubtful, you may be less positive in your ideas, if you can call them ideas." "That is one for me," Wilson said good humoredly, while the others laughed.

Something had happened there a few thousand centuries before, and in a moment of evident spleen and vexation the earth had vomited up that pile of rock debris, and Jolly Roger good humoredly told himself and Peter that it was an act of Providence especially intended for them, though planned and erupted some years before they were born.

"We'll find a place where we can turn around somewhere," said a man's voice good humoredly. "Not till we've gorged ourselves with food," the voice of a girl caroled forth. Pee-wee gave his white paper cap a final adjustment, stood the pan of taffy enticingly in full view and waited as a pugilist waits, for the adversary's next move.