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"Oh, it's all right," and Beatrice shrugged her shoulders, "I need to be brought up with a round turn now and then. I'm too intellectual, I know." She purposely assumed a vacant, stupid expression and folded her hands helplessly in her lap. "She's a hummer," Channing remarked in an aside to Patty, as further hilarity followed Betty's fooling. "I like her lots," Patty returned.

If the flower chanced to be an old one, her roughness sometimes detached it, when she hastily backed out, protesting indignantly, and looking over to see it fall. Atom though the hummer was, hardly more than a pinch of feathers, she was a decided character, with notions and ways of her own. One of her fancies was to open the honey-pots for herself.

I suppose that's one reason I didn't tell you beforehand what I was up to." "What have you been doing?" "Reggie asked me to go on a long trip to try out his new car. It's a hummer. Hundred-and-twenty horse-power bloody-eyed, fire-spitting devil " "Such cars are dangerous," severely commented Mrs. De Peyster, who still kept to her horses and carriage as better maintaining old-family distinction.

"And I'm thinking 'tis a little bit shaky they are, after seeing the way we ripped up the Army line." "That boy Wilson is certainly a hummer," commented Hendricks, flicking the ash from his cigar. "I haven't seen such plunging and line bucking since the days of Heffelfinger. You could no more stop him than you could a runaway horse."

Pretty soon he saw a speck way up against a cloud, a speck no bigger than himself. It grew bigger and bigger, and at last he knew that it was King Eagle himself. Little Mr. Hummer turned and flew as he never had flown before. He wanted to get back before a new king was chosen, so that King Eagle might never know that his subjects had lost faith in him.

The only trouble is, after this, orders will probably go in one ear and out the other " "You're a hummer, Warble," Petticoat said, as they went back up stairs. "Yes, it had to be done quickly, you see. And it was out of your line, so I duffed in. But one thing bothered me a little.

Both sides realized that the contest was going to be a hummer but neither imagined the extent of the casualties. Had the present rules applied there would have been a long string of substitutes in the game and the caption of 'The Bloody Angle' could not have been applied. "In those days an injured player was not allowed to leave the field of play without the consent of the opponents' captain.

The mill people? Howled!" "But it didn't get them anything?" "Didn't it! You know how difficult it is to get anything for publication out of old Rockface Enderby. Well, I had a brilliant idea that this was something he'd talk about. Law Enforcement stuff, you know. And he did. Gave me a hummer of an interview.

But I've got some work that I must do." "Let the work wait," urged Burns, relieved because she showed no resentment against the proposal. "I want to get this picture made. It's going to be a hummer. There's punch to it, or there will be, if " "But you see," Jean's drawl slipped across his eager, domineering voice, "I have to earn some money, lots of it. There's something I need it for.

I guess it is a good thing that the babies have short bills." "Do they?" asked Peter, opening his eyes very wide with surprise. "Yes," replied Jenny. "When they hatch out they have short bills, but it doesn't take them a great while to grow long." "How many babies does Mrs. Hummer usually have?" asked Peter. "Just two," replied Jenny. "Just two. That's all that nest will hold.