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Henfrey, who came to London, had supper with me, Benton and Howell being also present, while Howell's small closed car, which he always drove himself, was waiting outside to take us to the ball." Then she paused and drew a long breath, as though the recollection of that night horrified her as indeed it did.

They heard that Chandler had gone down the river, but the information was not definite and, although Colonel Howell left messages for his discharged employee, the man did not reappear and sent no word. Colonel Howell's other workmen, Ewen and Miller, were not companionable and did not become comrades of the boys.

Howell's face all besmeared with blood from his wounded hand, they both threw down their swords and embraced him, and bound up his hand with a garter, to close the veins, which were cut, and bled profusely. They then conveyed him home, and sent for a surgeon. King James, who was much attached to Mr. Howell, afterwards sent his own surgeon to attend him.

There is the Tower!" "Yes, master," says Gumbo, who has never heard of the Tower; but Harry has, and remembers how he has read about it in Howell's Medulla, and how he and his brother used to play at the Tower, and he thinks with delight now, how he is actually going to see the armour and the jewels and the lions.

Some low, murmuring, conversation then passed at Mrs Howell's counter, when the words "black servant" alone met Margaret's ear. Hester found nothing that she could wear. The more she pressed for information and assistance about obtaining boots, the more provokingly cool Miss Miskin grew. At last Hester turned to her sister with a hasty inquiry what was to be done.

I shall be must obliged to any of your readers for an explanation. Whelps. Sir, In Howell's Letters, Sect. 5. p. 9. the following words occur: "At the return of this fleet two of the Whelps were cast away, and three ships more." I should feel obliged to any of your correspondents who may be able to favour me with an explanation of the word Whelps in this passage.

In addition, several large ricks of cordwood standing at the edge of the clearing gave sign that the men had not been idle during the spring. At the same time, there were many evidences of a lack of thrift to be seen in the debris left from the cabin building. No arrangements had been made for a boat landing and Colonel Howell's canoe was lying carelessly against the steep bank.

We stayed on till Howell's expert eye had had its fill of details, with no burst of shells to interfere with our comfort; though by the rules we ought to have had a good "strafing," which was another reminder of my debt to the German for his consideration to the American correspondent at the British front.

You boys had better take a run over town. If I don't see you at noon, I'll see you at dinner this evening." The boys returned to the hotel, found that Mr. Zept and his son had finally gone out with friends, and they put in the rest of the day inspecting the lively young city. Colonel Howell's acquaintances were not confined to the Northwest he also had friends in Winnipeg.

Do you not recollect Howell's curious rifle fashioned in the form of a walking-stick? When I halted to speak to Madame Beranger on the steps of the Casino as I came out that night, he passed me carrying that stick. Indeed, he is seldom without it. By means of that disguised rifle I was shot!" "But you speak of Cataldi. How can he know?"