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Vane asked at length. "You needn't trouble about breaking the news come right to the point." "Then, to all intents and purposes, the company has gone under; it's been taken over by Horsfield's friends. Nairn has sold our stock at considerably less than face value," Carroll explained, adding a brief account of the absorption of the concern. Vane's face set hard.

Horsfield's house, it being a long and bad way, and dark, and having there put her in a doors, her husband being in bed, we left her and so back to our coach, where the coachman had put it in order, but could not find his whip in the dark a great while, which made us stay long.

"The same idea has struck me since we sailed. The trouble is that until I've decided about the pulp mill he'll have to go unwatched for the same reason that prevented you from holding up for me and steaming the plank." "If any unforeseen action of Horsfield's made it necessary, you could let this pulp project drop." "You ought to understand why that's impossible.

In the nests brought to me there was no trace of organisation; and the original material, whatever it be, is so elaborated by the swallow as to present somewhat the appearance and consistency of strings of isinglass. The quantity of these nests exported from Ceylon is trifling. Horsfield's Catalogue of the Birds in the E.I. Comp. Museum, vol. i. p. 101, &c. Mr. Kingfishers.

Drayton owned that it might be advisable to hurry, and they set off for the business quarter of the city. During the remainder of the day Vane was busy on board the sloop, but in the evening he walked over to Horsfield's house with Mrs. Nairn and found Jessy and her brother at home. Horsfield presently took Vane to his smoking-room. "About that smelter," he began.

Ye're no far from a genius!" "Thanks. I believe I succeeded better than I could have expected, and perhaps than I deserved." They were interrupted then by Nairn, who came hastily into the room. "There's one of the Atlin deck-hands below," he announced. "He's come on here from Horsfield's to say that the boat's ready with a full head of steam up, and the packers ye hired are waiting on the wharf."

Taking it all round, I don't know what to think. Of course, if it appeared that there was a moral certainty of making a satisfactory profit on the new stock, I should consent." Nairn chuckled. "A moral certainty is no a very common thing in mining." "Horsfield's in favor of the scheme. How far would you trust that man?" "About as far as I could fling a bull by the tail.

"But you're not a milliner, are you?" asked Vane, feeling grateful to Jessy for the practical way in which she had kept her promise to assist. "Celia's something better," Kitty broke in. "She's a genius." "Isn't that a slight on the profession?" Vane laughed. He was anxious to lead the conversation away from Miss Horsfield's action; he shrank from figuring as the benefactor who had prompted her.

But, looking at it as a purely personal matter, there are inducements he could offer ye. Horsfield's a man who has the handling of other folks' money, if he has no that much of his own. It might be wise to stand in with him." "So he hinted," Vane answered dryly. "Your argument was about the worst you could have used, Mr. Nairn," Carroll laughed.

Horsfield's house, it being a long and bad way, and dark, and having there put her in a doors, her husband being in bed, we left her and so back to our coach, where the coachman had put it in order, but could not find his whip in the dark a great while, which made us stay long.