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The Cardinal was as large as any two of the other nestlings, and so red the very down on him seemed tinged with crimson; his skin and even his feet were red. He was the first to climb to the edge of the nest and the first to hop on a limb.

Heaven bless us, he's falling away day by day." "Was he in bed, then?" "In bed? How can you talk so light and flighty of death before God's Judgment-seat? Nay, he'll neither hop nor run again in this world, will your Uncle Sivert." All this seemed to mean that Uncle Sivert had not long to live, and Inger insisted that little Sivert should set off at once.

"Lil' gal hungly li' boy hungly?" asked Hop Sing in his funny talk. "Got any cookies?" inquired Teddy. "No glot clooklies glot him clake," the Chinese answered. "What does he say?" asked Janet of her brother. "I guess he means cake," whispered Teddy, and that was just what Hop Sing did mean.

But a song sparrow with his recitative "Oleet, oleet, oleet," followed by the well-known cadenza, dispels the fancies and calls our attention to himself as he sits on a hop hornbeam and sings at half-minute intervals. The wind ruffles his sober coat of brown and gray and he looks like a careless artist, thrilling with the soul of song.

It was a plain room with meager furniture, yet we fell asleep with a satisfaction beyond the Cecils in their lordly beds. I stirred once when there was a clamor in the hall of guests returning from a hop at the Academy a prattle of girls' voices then slept until the sun was up. But my preference in lodgings is the low sagging half-timbered building that one finds in the country towns of England.

"Ah!" replied the Rabbit, "where I live they use knives and forks. And one day, while eating with some great sagamores, my knife slipped, and I cut my lip." "And why are your mouth and whiskers always going when you are still? Is that high style?" "Yes; I am meditating, planning, combining great affairs; talking to myself, you see. That's the way we do." "But why do you always hop?

"Well, if she wants him after what she's saw of him, she can take him. I clinched him before he could waste any more ammunition, and twisted his gun away from him. I jolted him a couple of jolts with my fist, and he broke and run. You seen him hop his horse." "What did you do with his gun?"

Mark would stand gravely to attention while Mabel Williams' toilet was adjusted, and as gravely follow the shrill raucous procession to watch pavement games like Hop Scotch or to help in gathering together enough sickly greenery from the site of the new church to make the summer grotto, which in Lima Street was a labour of love, since few of the passers by in that neighbourhood could afford to remember St.

"Very friendly indeed; but he found it difficult to see, and all of a sudden he would give a hop and a jump that nearly flung me off his shoulders. For a long time " "That was the bananas tickling him, I suppose?"

Precious little I've ever told her of the railroad or how I was turned off, but the other day I was working down by the fence next the railroad tracks and Sid was there. She'd brought her doll rags down and she was playing house behind a pile of hop poles.