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She is young, and the world is all before her. Let her choose . . . and be loyal to her if it is another! It may be a hard task, but I trust you, Harold. God bless you, my other son! He rose slightly and listened. Harold's heart leaped. The swift hoof-strokes of a galloping horse were heard . . . The father spoke joyously: 'There she is! That is my brave girl! God grant that she may be in time.

They were those on whose track he had come. Crouching among the bushes, he endeavoured to avoid being seen; but in this he was unsuccessful. A shout from one of the men told him that he was discovered, and soon after the hoof-strokes of the galloping horse told that they were rapidly approaching his hiding-place.

After making a distance of a hundred yards or so, he stopped in his tracks, and laying himself flat along the grass, placed his ear to the ground and listened attentively. In a few seconds' time a dull sound reached him the hoof-strokes of a horse that seemed to approach the spot where he lay. "Pepe is right," muttered he to himself, as he started to his feet; "the skunk is coming this way.

"Well, I think that this one will prove similar that cannon are going to thunder before the music stops." Stuart had scarcely spoken when rapid hoof-strokes were heard in front, and a horseman shot by. "Have you seen General Stuart?" said a voice in the darkness. "Here I am what news, Stringfellow?" The horseman drew rein so suddenly that his horse was thrown upon his haunches.

"Pretty, ah, an' so's Miss Anthea! as a pict'er." "Oh, really?" yawned Bellew. "Ah!" nodded the Waggoner, "there ain't a man, in or out o' the parish, from Squire down, as don't think the very same." But here, the Waggoner's voice tailed off into a meaningless drone that became merged with the creaking of the wheels, the plodding hoof-strokes of the horses, and Bellew fell asleep.

The men, hastily throwing the skirts of their hunting shirts over their gun-locks, remained silent under the pelting of the storm. Another sound, heard between the peals, now called our attention. It resembled the continuous noise of a train of waggons passing along a gravelly road. It was the sound of hoof-strokes on the shingly bed of the canon.

Above in the limpid sunlight floats the great eagle, deadly enemy of the rattlesnake; from a near-by bush the exquisite song of the mocking-bird trills out, and far up the rocks the hoof-strokes of the mountain sheep strike with a rattle of stones that seems music in the crystal air. Yonder the wild turkey calls from the pine trees, or we hark to the whir of the grouse or the pine-hen.

On delivering the admonition he ducks his own head, and passing under the thorny leaves of the agave, commences the ascent of the hill. Cypriano and Ludwig do likewise; and all three are soon climbing the steep, one behind the other, now in silence, the only sounds heard being the hoof-strokes of the horses, with their hard breathing as they strain up the acclivity.

I reckon you're right," answered Pumpkin in an awe-struck whisper. "It must be a thousand feet to the bottom of that hole!" "If I had a rope I might lower myself," went on the youth, with quiet determination. "But without a rope " A pounding of hoof-strokes on the grassy trail below the rocks caused him to stop and listen attentively. "Somebody is coming.

The hoof-strokes each moment were heard more distinctly; and it was evident that a horseman was galloping rapidly in the direction of the huts. After a little the strokes became more gentle, and the gallop appeared to be changed to a walk. The rider was approaching with caution.