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It DID rain in such torrents as only the inhabitants of tropical countries can understand. "Cover up the gun-locks!" and the pieces of mackintosh for that purpose were immediately secured in their places.

But when he heard the sharp click of gun-locks, out there in the darkness, at one jump he had leaped over his fire and dived for safety. A volley scattered the fire and spurted the sod under his flying feet. He had been none too prompt. Away he ran, as before, only this time he was better clothed.

"The race is not to them that's got The longest legs to run, Nor the battle to that people That shoots the biggest gun " Allan propped himself upon his hands. "Fourth Texas! Fourth Texas! Fourth " The frieze rushed down the slope of the gully, up again, and on. A foot came hard on Allan's hand. He did not care. He had a vision of keen, bronze faces, hands on gun-locks.

Judge Jacob Burnet records that "it is a well authenticated fact, that boxes and packages were so carelessly put up and marked, that during the action a box was opened marked 'flints, which was found to contain gun-locks.

Then came the ominous click of half a dozen gun-locks, which, in the stillness of the night, could be heard a long distance. The stranger evidently heard it too, for, without further hesitation, he arose from behind the fence, and came forward. The major allowed him to approach within a few yards, and then ordered him to halt, and inquired: "Now, sir! who and what are you?

They also cleaned their rusty gun-locks, and dried their powder, talking cheerily together, about the fire, while the rain roared upon the thatch. They were close beside the Rio Congo "and thus far," says Dampier, the most intelligent man among them, "we might have come in our Canoa, if I could have persuaded them to it."

He was aware, of course, that the keeping of his forefinger off the trigger was a point of importance, but how to keep it off when in a state of nervous expectation, he knew not, because his memory and the forefinger of his right hand appeared to get disconnected at such times, and it did not occur to him, just at first, that there was such an arrangement in gun-locks as half-cock.

The ladies came forth bearing wine and minestra, meat and bread, on trays; and quiet eating and drinking, and fortifying of the barricades, went on. Men were rubbing their arms and trying rusty gun-locks. Few of them had not seen Barto Rizzo that day; but Angelo could get no tidings of his brother.

It was very dark the other night, an unusual thing here, and the rain fell in torrents; so I put on my India-rubber suit, and went the rounds of the sentinels, incognito, to test them. I can only say that I shall never try such an experiment again and have cautioned my officers against it. Tis a wonder I escaped with life and limb, such a charging of bayonets and clicking of gun-locks.

They are very imitative, and I have seen many English tools and even gun-locks, made by a common native village blacksmith, that could not be surpassed in delicacy of finish by any English smith. It is foreign to our ideas of the brawny blacksmith, to hear that he sits to his work, but this is the invariable custom. Even carpenters and masons squat down to theirs.