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Cut to the right, Harry!" came the voice of the sheriff, already piping from the distance as the last of the posse brushed out from the trees. "Yo hoi! Gus, take the left arroyo!" Two answering yells, and then the rush of hoofs fell away. They were cornering the stranger, no doubt, and Vic struggled to lift himself to his feet and watch until a faint sound from the dog made him look down.

Turning quickly, Jerry saw, from his coign of vantage, the white figure of the miller coming quickly down the road, waving his arms as if he had once owned a wind-mill instead of a water-mill, and was imitating the action of the sails. "Hoi! come down from there," bawled the big, bluff fellow, as he came within hearing. "'Tain't safe!

Or it might have been the men who had come upon them where they had the first fire, and they had seen this one. "No, they couldn't see this one, for it was out." Dexter was about to conclude that it was all imagination, when, from far away in the wood he heard, in the most startling way: Hoi hoi hoo hoo!

With a curious eye, a critical mind and a fairly withheld judgment Blinker considered the temples, pagodas and kiosks of popularized delights. Hoi polloi trampled, hustled and crowded him. Basket parties bumped him; sticky children tumbled, howling, under his feet, candying his clothes.

The deck and its accompaniments of masts rising through the canvas roof, and ropes, and blocks, hatches, skylights, companions, etcetera, afforded them matter for unbounded astonishment; though what they afterwards discovered below was productive of unutterable amazement. "Hoi!" exclaimed Cheenbuk, pointing at something with all his ten fingers expanded.

If you want to be admired while you are alive, write a religious novel and let the hoi polloi snivel over you and give you gold dollars while you can enjoy 'em and spend 'em. That's where Tolstoy is a fox. So is Mrs. Humphrey Ward. She's a fox, too. They are getting all the fun now. But it's all gallery play with both of 'em." I said nothing, and he smoked in silence for a moment.

Not only are they deeply interesting to the hoi polloi, but invaluable from a therapeutical standpoint, being successfully employed in cases of itch, smallpox, etc. as a counter irritant. I opine that one of these read in a loud voice to an Egyptian mummy would result in its immediate resurrection.

The enjoyment of art, as the disinterested cognition devoid of Will, can afford an interval of rest from the drudgery of Will service. But esthetic beatitude can be obtained only by a few; it is not for the hoi polloi. And then, art can give only a transient consolation. Everything in life indicates that earthly happiness is destined to be frustrated or to be recognized as an illusion.

I feel as if I should fall off." "My poor brave boy!" said the old man gently, as he supported the wounded lad. "There, only a little farther. Ah! Hoi! Rugg! Dummy Rugg! Here, quick!" The lad, who was perched upon a block of stone half-way up the zigzag, evidently watching for his young master's return, sprang down and came running to them. "What's the matter?" he cried hoarsely.

One minute, two minutes passed, and the pedestrian did not proceed. Christopher Swetman got out of bed, and opened the casement. 'Hoi! who's there? cries he. 'A friend, came from the darkness. 'And what mid ye want at this time o' night? says Swetman. 'Shelter. I've lost my way. 'What's thy name? There came no answer. 'Be ye one of King Monmouth's men?