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But before your side of it's paid up you've got to go right over and paint that porch of yours a respectable color." So, for once, Hepsey's strategy had been manipulated to her own defeat: Jonathan went off to town with flying colors, and bought himself a can of pure white paint. It was eleven o'clock at night. Mrs.

For once she must keep her own counsel except for Jonathan, whose present infatuated condition made him an even safer and more satisfactory source of "advice" than he normally was. But the evening before the meeting, as he sat on Hepsey's porch, he began to experience qualms, perhaps in his capacity as Junior Warden. But Hepsey turned upon him relentlessly: "Now see here!

He was desperately ill at ease, and far from responding cordially to Hepsey's friendly advances; and his nervousness increased as his patrons continually retreated, occasionally grinning derisively at him through the glass in the door. "If you don't mind my sayin' it, Mrs. Burke, I think you'd be a lot more comfortable at my house than you are here."

It was a white and scared Virginia who listened to Hepsey's account of all that had happened an account which neither over-stated the Bascoms' debt to the Maxwells nor spared Virginia's guilty conscience.

Ah! but it was that old mother worked and waited for so long: blind now, and deaf; childish, and half dead with many hardships, but safe and free at last; and Hepsey's black face was full of a pride, a peace, and happiness more eloquent and touching than any speech or sermon ever uttered. Mr.

The young woman who slumbered peacefully upstairs, while the rest of the world was awake, had, from the beginning, aroused admiration in Hepsey's breast. It was a reluctant, rebellious feeling, mingled with an indefinite fear, but it was admiration none the less.

Temperance and I cleaned the house, opened every room, and made every fire-place ready for a fire a fire being the chief luxury which I could command. Baking went on up to within a day of the wedding, under Hepsey's supervision, who had been summoned as a helper; Fanny was busy everywhere. "Mr. Morgeson," said Temperance, "the furniture is too darned shabby for a wedding."

When she sat down in the parlour, after doing scant justice to Hepsey's cooking, it was with a grim resignation, of the Puritan sort which, supposedly, went with the house. There was but one place in all the world where she would like to be, and she was afraid to trust herself in the attic.

He felt vaguely uncomfortable, and was about to offer atonement when Joe's deep bass voice called out: "Hello!" "Hello yourself!" came in Hepsey's highest tones, from the garden. "Want anything to-day?" "Nope!" There was a brief pause, and then Joe shouted again: "Hepsey!" "Well?" "I should think they'd break their vocal cords," said Winfield. "I wish they would," rejoined Ruth, quickly.

"I should think you'd get some clothes like Hepsey's," he began. "I'll wager, now, that you haven't a gown like that in your entire wardrobe." "You're right I haven't. The nearest approach to it is a tailored gown, lined with silk, which Hepsey thinks I should wear wrong side out." "How long will the coast be clear?" "Until nine o'clock, I think. They go to church in the evening."