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A section under Lieutenant Poague was sent at a gallop, half a mile forward, to a point that seemed of vantage. Here the unlimbering guns found themselves in infantry company, a regiment lying flat, awaiting orders. "Hello, 65th!" said the gunners. "Wish people going to church at home could see us!" A shell fell beside the howitzer and burst with appalling sound.

He went first, cautioning me not to slip on the dark stairs; but I shouted not to mind me, but thanked him for telling me, though. "We went down and down, until I began to think the old cuss was going to get me safe too, so I sung out 'Hello! which way; we must be mighty nigh under Wah-to-yah, we've been going on so long? "'Yes, said he, much astonished; 'we're just under the Twins.

"That's fine!" she laughed, happily. "Now I wonder which of these sleighs is ours?" "I'll tell you in a minute," said Mr. Pertell. "I want to see the lodge-keeper. Oh, there he is! Hello, Jake Macksey!" he called to the sturdy man, in big boots, who was stalking about among the sleds, "is everything all right for us?" "Everything, Mr. Pertell," was the hearty answer.

His horrified companion crept to the edge, expecting to see his mangled corpse tossing in the whirlpool, but, to his amazement, the unfortunate was crawling up the face of a huge table of stone that had fallen from the opposite wall and lay canted against it. "Hello!" shouted the man overhead. "Are you hurt much?"

She was watching a big yellow butterfly bury itself in an opening flower when she heard a voice on the other side of the fence, say: "Hello!" and looking up she saw Marjorie Stone and Alice Evans smiling at her. "What are you doing?" asked Marjorie. "I didn't know you lived here." "I don't," said Marian going toward her. "I just came to see Mrs. Hunt and I am getting some tomatoes for her.

Before I sampled the tramp ward, I covered myself with Keating's powder from head to foot. It wasn't a bit of good. 'When may I come and talk to you? 'Hello, Mrs. Thomas! Vida turned and found the Lady Sophia at her side. 'Why, father! Oh, I see, Miss Levering. Well' she turned to the woman in the corner 'how's the House of Help? 'Do you know about Mrs. Thomas's work? Vida asked.

"Dinner will make that reputation immortal," Jack declared, as he and Ed gave up their chase and joined the others on the porch. "But hello! Here comes Denny! And he has no pipe! Something surely is wrong." Everyone ceased chattering as Denny Shane appeared on the tan bark path. "Hello, there, Denny!" called Jack, getting up from his porch chair. "What's up?"

"Now will you go and eat?" "Naw go t' work," said Greene, hitching up his trousers. By hard coaxing the foreman had succeeded in passing three or four of them when they were met by a couple of strikers. "Hello Billy," said one of the men. "Where you goin'?" "Goin' t' take me run out," said Greene, with another hitch.

Whether she had slept through a night and a day or whether but a few hours had elapsed since she had staggered to the spring beside which she lay, she could not tell. She lay looking up into the sky languidly, but with clear mind. A deep sigh roused her. DeWitt sat on the other side of the spring, rubbing his eyes. "Hello!" he said in a hoarse croak. "How did we land here?"

On the road Samuel Prescott joined them. When about half-way, four British officers, mounted and fully armed, stopped them. Prescott jumped over the low stone wall, made his escape and alarmed Concord. Dawes was chased by two of the officers until, with rare shrewdness, he dashed up in front of a deserted farm-house and shouted, "Hello, boys! I've got two of them," frightening off his pursuers.