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Hazleton at a certain hotel in New York, and all would embark on the steamer that would sail on the next week Saturday ten days from that day. Then Sedgwick and Grace started for the Miami Valley. What a welcome was there! The old house had been repaired, modernized, refurnished and repainted. A new house had been built on the other farm. It was in the first days of February.

Hazleton, soon after we reach England my husband will go away for four or five months. I shall be awfully lonesome. You have never been across the sea. Take pity upon me and be my guest for a few months until you weary of me." The lady was startled by the proposition, waited a moment, and then said: "I do not know how to thank you, but I came here to teach music.

He laughed and yet his eyes hardened and narrowed upon her. "You are welcome to what I have told you," he retorted. "It will be common talk in twenty-four hours." She gave no sign of having heard. Her indifference vaguely irritated him. "Look here, Miss Hazleton," he said significantly. "I'll tell you something else as long as I am pouring out my heart to you," a sneer under the words.

Dart, having in turn looked approvingly at her, shifted his gaze to the panting saddle horse standing with drooping head at the steps, and then, putting his hands under his coat tails, he returned to the living room. Claire Hazleton had just removed her outer wraps and was warming her hands at the fire. Mr.

"The Frenchman, a rather sporty young fellow named Bloodgood, a small, bespectacled man, well fitted with the name of Slush, and an Englishman by the name of Hazleton." "That's the crowd that played in the Frenchman's stateroom to-day," groaned Rattleton from his berth. "Played in the stateroom?" exclaimed Frank. "I wonder why they didn't play in the smoking-room?"

It it belonged to Veronica Haversham then a poor chorus girl. I did not intend that she should ever know it. I intended that she should think her baby was dead. But in some way she found out. Since then she has become a famous beauty, has numbered among her friends even Hazleton himself. For nearly two years I have tried to keep her from divulging the secret.

Hazleton are waiting at the hotel for you. And how is your friend?" "Desperately ill, but I have hopes of him now," said Sedgwick. The surgeon was appealed to, and he said it would be better to take Jordan ashore while yet he slept. "I must first send a message that we are coming, and that he is asleep under opiates, or we shall frighten those who are watching for us," said Sedgwick.

The men there and at Hazleton hold a meeting to-night to decide whether or not they will strike in sympathy with the Carbon County miners, because of the shut-down. "Now, we've got to strike the first blow! The men over at Pittsfield and at the Woodward mines will join the strikers if the Harleigh and Hazleton men go out.

Hazleton came in without speaking, grasped Sedgwick's hand, pointed to the room where Jordan lay, and said in a whisper: "He wants you." And as Sedgwick passed from the apartment, the over-wrought woman fell upon her knees, buried her face in the lap of Grace, and said: "Dear friend, help me to thank God."

At Suez, Sedgwick went ashore and cabled his wife that he was on the "Pallas;" to come at once to Naples; to induce Jack and Rose to come also, and, if she thought best, to bring Mrs. Hazleton, for Jordan was ill, and he feared nothing but the cheer of friendly faces would arouse him and give him the strength to live. He added that she must use her woman's wits as to what she would tell Mrs.