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Miss Hazleton is going back and I want you to go with her. You'd have to go in the morning anyway and it will be easier if you go right away. And I want you to do something for me." "Love's little messenger again?" grinned Dart. "Gee, Red, I'm turning into a regular carrier pigeon." "I am going to write a short note to Miss Leland," Shandon went on quietly. "I want you to give it to her to-night.

"Get back to Hazleton," Sheriff Marlin cries, at the same time raising his arms above his head and waving them. He pushes his way through the crowd of miners to the edge of the road. Off comes his hat It is the signal which Captain Grout has been expecting. "Company, attention!" Two hundred Coal and Iron Police jump to their feet.

Hume did not notice the clothes, he saw only the woman. She inclined her head just a little to her host, with no softening of the cold features. Upon Hume she bestowed a casual glance that came and went indifferently. "Miss Hazleton," said Martin curtly, "this is Mr. Hume." The eyes of the two men were keen upon her as the name was spoken.

"Hazleton called. Why, there must have been some wild orgies in that precious set of theirs, and, would you believe it, many of them seem to have been at what Dr. Maudsley calls his 'stable studio, a den he has fixed up artistically over his garage on a side street." "Indeed?" "I couldn't get it all, but I did hear her repeating over and over to Hazleton, 'Aren't you all mine?

Wanda accompanied them to the porch, saw them seated and starting and then returned to the house with a little hurt feeling in her heart which she knew was foolish but which she could not drive out. If Claire Hazleton and Wayne Shandon were upon such intimate terms that she made this trip to see him, it was a little strange that Wayne had never so much as mentioned her name to her.

Behind his tenderness and patience she had sometimes glimpsed something inflexible, unyielding as the wilderness he loved. So she merely answered: "In a way, yes." "Let's go outside where I can smoke a decent cigar on top of this fairly decent meal," he suggested. "Then we'll figure on the next move. I think about twenty-four hours in Hazleton will do me.

"These will decay, throwing out an animal poison. This filth and poisonous matter is being carried into the Allegheny, and will be pumped up into the reservoir and distributed throughout the city. The result is a cause for serious apprehension. Take, for example, the town of Hazleton, Pa. There the filth from some outhouse was carried into the reservoir and distributed through the town.

Maudsley, the Hazleton physician, and one or two others, who if they were poorer might be called desperate characters." "Does Mrs. Hazleton know of of his reputed intimacy?" "I can't say that, either. I presume that she is no fool." Morton Hazleton, Jr., I knew, belonged to a rather smart group of young men.

The Minute Men carried as their standard a flag bearing the celebrated rattlesnake, and the inscription "Liberty or Death: Don't tread on me." The route to Harleigh is in an opposite direction to the armory. The little column passes out of the town of Hazleton and is a mile distant when the Coal and Iron Police learn of their departure. Instantly there is a bustle in the armory.

He had been mentioned in several near-scandals, but as far as I knew there had been nothing quite as public and definite as this one. "Wouldn't that account for her fears?" I asked. "Hardly," replied Butler, shaking his head. "You see, Mrs. Hazleton is a nervous wreck, but it's about the baby, and caused, she says, by her fears for its safety.