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White mumbled something that was inaudible, and Kate thought suddenly of her rouge-pot and hare's-foot. Her 'make-up, and all her little souvenirs of Dick, lay securely packed away in an old band-box. 'Mrs. White, she said, 'might I ask you to get me a jug of hot water? When the woman left the room, everything was spread hurriedly over the toilet-table.

Then he substituted a black tie for a colored one, whipped out a little mirror and his hare's-foot, etc., browned and colored his cheek, put on an admirable gray wig, whiskers, mustache, and beard, and partly whitened his eyebrows, and hobbled feebly out of the little wood an infirm old man. Presently he caught sight of his gold ring.

From the other end of this wand of office depended a long foxtail, or a hare's-foot, which he softly thrust in the faces of the sleeping Priscillas, Charitys, and Hopestills, and which gently brushed and tickled them into reverent but startled wakefulness.

Margaret was so well used to the opera that the time passed quickly after the Duke had begun his scene. The silent maid approached her with a hare's-foot and a saucer, to put a finishing touch on her face, to which she submitted with indifference, listening all the time to the music that came to her through the open door.

The prince, however, was listening complaisantly to the Marquis de Chouard, who had taken up a hare's-foot on the dressing table and had begun explaining the way grease paint is put on. In a corner of the room Satin, with her pure, virginal face, was scanning the gentlemen keenly, while the dresser, Mme Jules by name, was getting ready Venus' tights and tunic. Mme Jules was a woman of no age.

He'd do more with you in six lessons than Montgomery in fifty. And the week after we shall be at Leeds. I can introduce you to another there. 'The curtain is just going up, Miss Leslie, cried the call boy. 'All right, cried the prima donna, throwing the hare's-foot to the dresser, 'I must be off now. We'll talk of this to-morrow. Immediately after the stately figure of Beaumont entered.

There were ivory-backed hair and clothes brushes; a comb; bottles filled with white face-wash and perfume; a manicure-set, with pink salve and nail-powder; a tray decked out with every size of hairpin; a cushion bristling with pins of many-coloured heads; boxes of rouge, a hare's-foot to put it on with; face-powder in several tints; swan's-down puffs; black pencils for the eyebrows and blue for the eyelids; sweet-smelling soap a dazzling and heavily fragrant collection.

He had even gone so far as to make up his face for the part, the clean-shaven soldierly face of the general of the Empire, ornamented with the "hare's-foot" whiskers which were handed down by the victors of Austerlitz to their sons, the bourgeois of July.

She had taken up the hare's-foot and was lightly manipulating it. All her attention was concentrated on this action, and she bent forward over her toilet table so very far that the white round contour of her drawers and the little patch of chemise stood out with the unwonted tension.

The more demoralized among the little boys, whose sleepy eyes have been more than once admonished by the hare's-foot wand of the constables, the sharp paw is used for the boys, the soft fur is kept for the smooth foreheads of drowsy maidens, look up thoroughly awakened now. Bright eyes glance from beneath silk or tiffany hoods, for a little interlude is coming.