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In the face of Belgium.... But as greatly and far more deeply in the warm flesh of his being did Mr. Britling desire that no harm, no evil should happen to Hugh.... The door opened, and Hugh came in.... Mr. Britling glanced over his shoulder with an affectation of indifference. "Hal-lo!" he said. "What do you want?" Hugh walked awkwardly to the hearthrug.

Louder boomed the surf then soft again. The door behind me had opened and closed. The deck-washer touched his cap. Then the Bishop stood above me, smiling, the sun glinting in his blue eyes and on the buttons of his gaiters. "Hal-lo, John," he said. "What's the game this morning. Seafaring as usual?"

"His father was a parson, I believe. Oh, yes, I know he was." "Ah, then these are Father's books. 'Half-Hours with the Infinite' I must order that from the library when I get back. 'The Lost Sheep, 'Jones on the Trinity, 'The Epistles of St. Paul Explained. Oh, Bill, we're amongst it. 'The Narrow Way, being Sermons by the Rev. Theodore Ussher' hal-LO!" "What is the matter?"

You've saved 'em, you've got 'em safe!" she sobbed, plunging frantically forward. And she shouted, "All right all right, darling! Hang on, boys! Just HANG ON! Hal-lo, there! Billy! Davy! Here I am!"

Then there ensued a dialogue, incredible to landsmen, between these two sailors, the captain of the ship and the captain of the foretop, one perched on a stationary fragment of that vessel, the other drifting on a pianoforte, and both bawling at one another across the jaws of death. "Thompson ahoy!" "Hal-lo!" "Whither bound?" "Going out with the tide, and be d d to me." "What, can't ye swim ?"

"Don't interrupt me," commanded Jack, with a still more savage frown. "I'll show you in a minute that I have it in my power to find out just what you have done while I have been gone, from the time you stole " "Marse Jack, I nevah took dat breastpin; suah hope to die if I did," began Julius. "Hal-lo!" thought Jack. "I've got on to something when I least expected it.

These spurs, heavily mounted with Silver, together with a red sash he wore in the Mexican style about his waist, rather marked him out from his fellows on the National's porch. Cash Dallam looked round as if in astonishment at the voice. "Why hal-lo, stranger," he said, "whar you bin hidin' all these moons? Yes, that's Jim Bell, sure enough.

Hal-lo, hal-lo hal-lo!" replied Ebo, laughing merrily, and showing his white teeth. "We shall not get at his understanding like that," said my uncle quietly; and he sat thinking for a moment. "Shall I try and draw a snake, uncle?" I said. "To be sure, Nat," he replied, laughing; "but where are paper, pencil, or chalk? Stop a minute I have it."

Watch what he does." The entrance of Brodie spoiled sport for the Deacon. He had nothing of that malicious finesse that made Allardyce a genius at nicking men on the raw. He went straight to his work, stabbing like an awl. "Hal-lo!" he cried, pausing with contempt in the middle of the word, when he saw young Gourlay. "Hal-lo! You here! Brig o' the Mains, miss, if you please. Ay, man!

So the three cow-punchers, the yellow horse, and Marion rode into Paradise without being seen or heard, and halted in front of the post-office. "Hal-lo! Hallo!" sang out the leader of the cowboys. And then, with the petulance of one that is "all in": "Is this a dam' graveyard?"