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It had been a prearranged pact among the young Westleys not to greet the little stranger with any show of eagerness. Tibby welcomed the suggestion. "Oh let's!" she cried. It was at that moment that Pepperpot had barked his disapproval of the weather-worn lions. Graham and Gyp gave a shout of delight. "Look! Look a dog! Hurray!" "Maybe now mother will have to let us keep him," Graham added.

Up and down the slope the dark mass tossed, like some hulk the sport of the waves. Black and white, sable and gray, worrying at that great centre-piece. Up and down, roaming wide, leaving everywhere a trail of red. Gyp he had pinned and hurled over his shoulder. Grip followed; he shook her till she rattled, then flung her afar; and she fell with a horrid thud, not to rise.

Look over there that bit of blue in the grass is my baby daughter. There's her and my father and " "And what?" "I'm afraid afraid of love, Bryan!" At that first use of his name, Summerhay turned pale and seized her hand. "Afraid how afraid?" Gyp said very low: "I might love too much. Don't say any more now. No; don't! Let's go in and have lunch." And she got up.

Wishing first to settle this matter of the deed, he put off going down to Mildenham; but "not trusting those two scoundrels a yard" for he never failed to bracket Rosek and Fiorsen he insisted that the baby should not go out without two attendants, and that Gyp should not go out alone.

Herbert then led Capitola out and placed her upon her own pony, Gyp, which, to her unbounded astonishment, she found there in charge of Wool, who was also mounted upon his own hack. Herbert Greyson threw himself into the saddle of a third horse, and the three took the road to Hurricane Hall.

Life with him had certainly one effect on Gyp; it made her feel less and less a part of that old orthodox, well-bred world which she had known before she married him; but to which she had confessed to Winton she had never felt that she belonged, since she knew the secret of her birth.

And then so dark and random are the ways of the mind his thoughts darted back to Gyp, sitting on the oaken chest, making her confession; and the whips and stings of it scored him worse than ever. That same evening, standing at the corner of Bury Street, Summerhay watched Gyp going swiftly to her father's house.

Patrick, Robert Emmet, and Lord Edward Fitzgerald may be bought for double their value, were all the population of the Green.... In the courts of the College, scarce the ghost of a gyp or the shadow of a bed-maker.

The next day, he appeared very early at school, and astonished her by asking shyly if she would call him, by his name, "John." "Certainly, if you wish it," she said. "I thought you liked to be called Gyp, and would feel more at home if I called you that."

The "old scoundrel" touched his forelock: "Yes, ma'am very good, ma'am. Beautiful evenin', ma'am." And, withdrawing at his gait of one whose feet are at permanent right angles to the legs, he mused: 'And that'll be two in my pocket. Ten minutes later Gyp, little Gyp, and Ossian emerged from the garden gate for their evening walk.