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These boys were for the most part young scamps, and some of them had all the qualities of the guttersnipe, but they had the makings of men in them if properly treated. The difficulty was to know how to treat them. No humane C.O. wants to condemn a mischievous brat of a boy to Field Punishment No. 1.

'He's not going to have it. The guttersnipe! An amused look came on her father's face. 'You hear that, Hadrian, he said. 'I didn't offer to marry Cousin Matilda for the money, said Hadrian, flushing and moving on his seat. Matilda looked at him slowly, with her dark-blue, drugged eyes. He seemed a strange little monster to her. 'Why, you liar, you know you did, cried Emmie.

"She's allays a-talkin' of dyin' an' gallers, as if they were nice things to jawr about." "Who was that woman who died here three or four weeks ago?" asked Kilsip, sharply. "'Ow should I know?" retorted Mother Guttersnipe, sullenly. "I didn't kill 'er, did I? It were the brandy she drank; she was allays drinkin', cuss her." "Do you remember the night she died?"

It is very difficult to point to any guttersnipe in the street and say that he embodies the ideal for which popular education has been working, in the sense that the fresh-faced, foolish boy in "Etons" does embody the ideal for which the headmasters of Harrow and Winchester have been working.

With his hands in his pockets he glided slowly across the room toward the bar, for all the world a picture of the guttersnipe who had been kicked from pillar to post until self-respect is dead in him. And pausing in his advance, he leaned against one of the pillars and looked hungrily toward the bar. He was immediately hailed from behind the bar with: "Hey, you. No tramps in here.

It was a late hour when he came, and everyone seems to have been asleep except the dying woman and Sal; and as one is dead, the other is the only person that can prove that he was there at the time when the murder was being committed in the hansom." "And Mother Guttersnipe?" "Was drunk, as she acknowledged last night. She thought that if a gentleman did call it must have been the other one."

The three brown music makers, sons-in-law to an island queen, lay on a platform somewhere within the edge of the bush, heavier by ounces with thirty-two caliber slugs, awaiting burial. And Signet, guttersnipe, beach comber, and midnight assassin, was lodged in the "calaboose," built stoutly in a corner of the biggest and reddest of the Dutchman's godowns.

All distinctions of rank fade away before the eyes of a thoughtful person; he sees the same passions, the same feelings in the noble and the guttersnipe; there is merely a slight difference in speech, and more or less artificiality of tone; and if there is indeed any essential difference between them, the disadvantage is all on the side of those who are more sophisticated.

Lizer responded with a shrill laugh of disdain, and vanished through the shaky door, which she closed after her. When she had disappeared Mother Guttersnipe took a drink from the broken cup, and, gathering all her greasy cards together in a business-like way, looked insinuatingly at Calton, with a suggestive leer.

Marie could start again in America, with no one the wiser, and make her way. "Smart as the devil, these Austrian girls!" Peter reflected. "Poor little guttersnipe!" The weather was beautiful. The sleet of the previous day in Vienna had been a deep snowfall on the mountains. The Schwarza was frozen, the castle of Liechtenstein was gray against a white world.