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Not one such had she ever met to look upon as an acquaintance; and here was this man telling off the honored names by the score, and saying, "My friend, Dr. Guthrie" "My good friend, Thomas Carlyle" "My dear brother, Newman Hall." How would it seem to stand in intimate relationship with one single gifted mind like these, and was she destined ever to know by actual experience?

Somehow she felt a strange sinking of the heart. "Yes," Anna spoke in a shamed, embarrassed tone. "Yes, that is quite true. I was given a little present each year. But it was no one's business but mine." "And how long did you have them?" Mrs. Guthrie had remembered suddenly that that was an important point. Anna waited a moment, but she was only counting. "Exactly three years," she answered.

The execution of Argyll atoned for the death of Montrose, in the eyes of Royalists, and two notable ecclesiastical politicians, Johnston of Warriston and James Guthrie, were also put to death. An Indemnity Act was passed, but many men found that the king's pardon had its price.

But though these and many similar facts have been long known, it is but recently, owing largely to the labors of Dr. Guthrie, that fresh truths have been brought to light, and a connection shown to exist throughout the whole which was previously unseen, though we have still to acknowledge that at present there is much at the root of the matter which is but imperfectly understood. Still Dr.

Like our own Thomas Guthrie, too, William Guthrie was a great angler. He could gaff out a salmon in as few minutes as the deftest-handed gamekeeper in all the country, and he could stalk down a deer in as few hours as my lord himself who did nothing else.

There was no rail for either to hold to, and drawing out from the shelter of the pier, and meeting the force of the southerly swell, the launch had begun to dance like a cork on boiling water. "Why, there's quite a sea on," remarked Guthrie, with a laugh. "I hope it won't make you sea-sick." "Sea-sick!" she echoed, with fine scorn. "I am a sailor's wife, sir."

He simply leaned back in his chair, with folded arms and attentive face, on which curiosity was the only expression. "Mr. Keir," said the venerable Counsellor Guthrie, of the defence, "is all this supposed to concern the case before the jury?" "Ay, does it!" cried Rose Cameron, before the lawyer addressed could reply. "Ay, does it, as ye will sune see, gin ye will gie me leave to speak."

"Surely you have had as narrow an escape as I had? you would have been miserable too?" He made no answer. It is perhaps easier to resign an inferior husband than a superior wife. But he let the subject drop then for the moment; only for the moment, however, for later in the day he had a conversation with Mrs. Guthrie Brimston.

Languidly, for there never seemed any real news nowadays, she opened wide her newspaper. And then her heart gave a leap! Printed right across the page, in huge black letters, ran the words: "BRITISH EXPEDITIONARY FORCE IN FRANCE." And underneath, in smaller type: "LANDED AT BOULOGNE WITHOUT A SINGLE CASUALTY." Then Major Guthrie had been right and the Dean wrong?

Guthrie suddenly, "you won't let them be too unkind to my poor old Anna, will you?" "Indeed, no one will be unkind to her," he said. "She's only been a tool after all poor old woman. No doubt there will be a deportation order, and she will be sent back to Germany."