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Sir Arthur only stipulated, that a little ragged boy, for the guerdon of one penny sterling, should run to meet his coachman, and turn his equipage back to Knockwinnock.

He ardently desired to receive as his guerdon the rank of grandee of Spain. He met with a refusal. To keep his hat on his head in presence of the sovereign was the highest possible reward. Should that be bestowed upon him now, urged Lerma, what possible recompense could be imagined for the great services which all felt confident that he was about to render in the future?

Let your clown come with us to Greystone, and thence have what meed the Prioress may bestow on him, for a find that your poor servant would have given worlds to make. 'Hearest thou, Hob? said Anne. 'Come with us to the convent, and thou shalt have thy guerdon.

No, and that was why he cared for her when he had ceased to care for so many pretty girls her roots were deep; she shared her loveliness; she gave; she opened; she did not shut away. She was the promise for many rather than the guerdon of the few. Jack's democracy was the ripe fruit of an ancestry of high endeavor and high responsibility.

"Nay," said the Sub-Prior, "let some man skilled in war lead our people there is Julian Avenel, an approved soldier." "But a scoffer, a debauched person, and, in brief, a man of Belial," quoth the Abbot. "Still," said the monk, "we must use his ministry in that to which he has been brought up. We can guerdon him richly, and indeed I already know the price of his service.

They answer, the Lord's of the Moors, and that he goeth seek the son of the Widow Lady that is in the forest. "If we may deliver him up to our lord, good guerdon shal we have thereof." "By my faith," saith Perceval, "You have not far to seek. I am here!"

Could spirits shed Tears for their lot, it were my lot to weep, Showing the road which I shall never tread, Though my foot points it. Sleep, eternal sleep, Dark, long, and cold forgetfulness my lot! But do not thou at human ills repine, Secure there lies full guerdon in this spot For all the woes that wait frail Adam's line Stoop, then, and make it yours I may not make it mine!"

In 1835, after more than a dozen years of trial and non-success, the author of "Sartor Resartus" removing to London, very poor, a confirmed hypochondriac, "Sartor" universally scoffed at, no literary prospects ahead, deliberately settled on one last casting throw of the literary dice resolv'd to compose and launch forth a book on the subject of the French Revolution and if that won no higher guerdon or prize than hitherto, to sternly abandon the trade of author forever, and emigrate for good to America.

Each man of us here to-night stands at the bar to answer if chivalry or darkness inhabits his bosom. To judge us sits womankind in the form of one of its fairest flowers. In her hand she holds the prize, intrinsically insignificant, but worthy of our noblest efforts to win as a guerdon of approval from so worthy a representative of feminine judgment and taste.

The warrior fights, and dies for fame The empty glories of a name; But we who linger round this spot, The warrior's guerdon covet Nott. Nott for the miser's glittering heap Within these walls is bartered sleep; The humble scholar's quiet lot With dreams of wealth is troubled Nott.