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They are not yet quite agreed as to the price, for the squire wants a hundred roubles an acre, and the peasants are offering fifty; but they cried so much, and talked so long about good feeling between peasants and landowners that the gospodarze will add another ten, and the squire will let them off the rest.

Hamer sat down in the doorway, smoking his pipe and watching Slimak; he nodded contentedly to himself. 'I've been down to the village to ask Gryb and the other gospodarze to come and help you, for that is a Christian duty.... He waited for the peasant's thanks, but Slimak went on eating and did not look at him.

Sitting by the stove, the two gospodarze were talking. 'How is it you are getting rid of the cow? 'You see, it's like this. That cow is not mine, it belongs to Magda, but my wife says she doesn't care about looking after somebody else's cow, and the shed is too small for ours as it is.

'And your gospodarze, concluded Hamer, 'are brutes. They will do nothing for you. Before sunset a sledge conveyed the unconscious woman to the settlement. Slimak remained, recovered his money from under the manure, collected a few possessions and milked the cows. The dumb animals looked reproachfully at him and seemed to ask: 'Are you sure you have done the best you could, gospodarz?

'Gossip? the old woman hiccoughed, 'I tell you, it's gospel truth, and I'll tell you more: the richer gospodarze are settling with Josel and Gryb to buy the whole estate and the whole village from the squire, so help me God! 'How can they settle that without me? 'Because they want to keep you out.

The cottage-doors were closed, no one was astir, and even if he had shouted aloud, 'Look, gospodarze, the Germans are here! no one would have been alarmed. The string of noisy people now began to file past Slimak's cottage. The tired horses were walking slowly, the cows could scarcely lift their feet, the pigs squeaked and stumbled.

Josel stood behind the bar in a dirty jersey with black stripes. He had a sharp nose, pointed beard, pointed curls, and wore a peaked cap; there was something pointed also in his look. 'The Lord be praised, said Slimak. 'In Eternity, Josel answered indifferently. 'What are the gospodarze drinking? 'Tea, the innkeeper replied.

Maciek had discovered at dawn one morning that a crowd had reached the river-bank by the ravines, and Slimak, hurrying thither, found some gospodarze from the village among the men. 'What is happening? 'They are going to throw up a dam and build a bridge across the Bialka, Wisniewski replied. 'And what are you doing here? 'We have been taken on to cart sand.

He remembered how often he had charged too much for work done, or how often the gospodarze had refused to come to terms with the squire about rights of grazing or wood-gathering in the forests, and he felt contrite. Good Lord! how beautifully the squire had spoken to them: 'Let us help each other and live peaceably like good neighbours.

And by the side of all these he saw his own old wise grandfather, Roch Owczarz, who had been a soldier under Napoleon, and came home without a penny, and in his old age became sacristan at the church, and explained all the pictures to the gospodarze so beautifully that he earned more money than the organist. 'The Lord rest his soul eternally!