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"It's I who should thank thee: I can never thank thee enough. Oh, I feared I might I might never have a chance." "There, Adah, thee mustn't say another word; Richard's too weak yet." Her hand closed tightly over mine. "Good-by," she breathed softly, and vanished. Mrs. Yocomb sat down with her knitting by a distant and shaded lamp.

She had cleared her skirts of any possible implication of intimacy with the late Mrs. Randolph, and done so with a master touch. In the meantime Honora had passed to Uncle Tom. After securing the little trunk, and settling certain matters with Mr. Holt, they said good-by to her late kind protectors, and started off for the nearest street-cars, Honora pulling Uncle Tom's mustache.

The roads to Stone Ridge were deep in fallen leaves. Soft-tired wheels rustled up the avenue and horses' feet fell light, as the last of the summer neighbors came to say good-by. It was a party of four Miss Sallie and a good-looking youth of the football cult on horseback, her mother and an elder sister, the delicate Miss Remsen, in a hired carriage. Their own traps had been sent to town.

"I must go now; I see I have spent all but my last five minutes. Good-by, David, my lad; you'll be a big man, maybe, when I see you again. A woman might think differently." "What is it?" "Simply this. If a man has not a half-penny, ought he to ask a woman to share it? Rather an Irish way of putting the matter," with a laugh, not without bitterness, "but you understand.

Six weeks, or two months, of the hardest work we had yet seen, was before us, and then "Good-by to California!" We turned-in early, knowing that we might expect an early call; and sure enough, before the stars had quite faded, "All hands ahoy!" and we were turned-to, heaving out ballast.

"I would that his hands Abraham Lincoln's hands might be laid upon all who complain and cavil and criticise, and think of the little things in life: I would that his spirit might possess their spirit!" He stopped again. They marvelled and were awed, for never in all his days had such speech broken from this man. "Good-by, Stephen," he said, when they thought he was not to speak again.

Billy silently helped her to mount her horse. She smiled, "Good-by," and he walked slowly back to the store muttering to himself: "Billy Little, Billy Little, your breastworks are weak, and you are a Maxwelton's braes um um um um. Ah, good evening, Mrs. Carson. Something I can do for you this evening? Sugar? Ah, yes, plenty. Best in town.

Not a word was said to Major Lyon about the enterprise of his son; and Deck could not bid good-by to his father, his brother, or to the many friends he had in the squadron. Both of them were in uniform, and they had no difficulty in passing the guards. Cuffy was not only a ferryman, but a river-driver.

The boy took the silver and gave up the bag, casting a furtive glance at Sylvia. "Ye don't want me to come back for yer to-morrer?" he said. "No, thank you, Benny. Good-by." She gave him an April smile, and he returned to the boat muttering to himself, his fist clenched and restless. The girl met Thinkright's kind, questioning look.

"Nothin', girl, nothin'. Only only you're so like your mother, girl. She she used to come just this way when I'd be leavin'. You're sure like her, and and I'm glad. I'm glad you're like the old folks, too. Remember now, stay at Mandy's until to-morrow evenin'. Kiss me again, honey. Good-by." He mounted hurriedly and rode away at a brisk gallop.