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The garden, planted for utility, was passably well kept. It contained, in all its parcelled length, not a single flower. At the very end a few currant bushes partially hid the front of the shed and glass-house. They were the one scrap of cover, and when she reached them she had a mind to crouch and hide, if only for a moment, from the staring windows.

Come, Nella," she added, taking her serving-woman by the arm. Before Giovanni realised what she was going to do, she was walking quickly across the wooden bridge towards the glass-house, holding Nella's sleeve, to keep her from lagging, and Nella trotted beside her mistress like a frightened lamb, led by a string.

It may affect the glass, too." "Where can I get another?" asked Marietta, anxious to begin. Zorzi made an instinctive motion to rise. It hurt him badly and he bit his lip. "I forgot," he said. "Pasquale can get another ladle from the main glass-house." "Go and call Pasquale, Nella," said Marietta at once. "Ask him to get a copper ladle." Nella went out into the garden, leaving the two together.

Up betimes and found my weather-glass sunk again just to the same position which it was last night before I had any fire made in my chamber, which had made it rise in two hours time above half a degree. So to my office where all the morning and at the Glass-house, and after dinner by coach with Sir W. Pen I carried my wife and her woman to Westminster, they to visit Mrs.

"Let us say that you might go to another glass-house for a fixed time, with the promise of then having a furnace of your own. How does that strike you?" "No one can give such a promise and keep it," said Zorzi, scraping the wet clay from his hands with a blunt knife. "But suppose that some one could," insisted Giovanni. "What is the use of supposing the impossible?"

He lodged as much by accident as he dined, and passed the night sometimes in mean houses which are set open at night to any casual wanderers; sometimes in cellars, among the riot and filth of the meanest and most profligate of the rabble; and sometimes, when he had not money to support even the expenses of these receptacles, walked about the streets till he was weary, and lay down in the summer upon the bulk, or in the winter, with his associate, in poverty, among the ashes of a glass-house.

Alongside of the yard and upon its left that is to say, as Tilda guessed, between it and the canal ran a narrower strip of kitchen garden, planted with leeks, cabbages, potatoes, and ending in a kind of shed part glass-house, part out-house built in lean-to fashion against the terminal wall, which overtopped it by several feet.

Here I feel all the time as if I were walking among traps blindfolded." The ball of the Jardin d'Hiver in the Champs Élysées was a superb success. The immense glass-house was fitted up for dancing, and all went merry as a marriage-bell, with a crater about to open under our feet, as at the duchess of Richmond's ball at Brussels. Miss Leare was there, but quiet and dignified.

She disappeared into a glass-house built across a corner of her garden, and he settled down to read the long newspaper columns. Soon his feeling quickened into intense interest. The local Essex reporter had a turn for descriptive writing, and, as he read, Godfrey Radmore saw the scene described rise vividly before him.

One evening, as she was taking her favorite walk about the village, having wandered farther than she intended, she found herself in the wood above the town, near the old building, which Captain John Smith had called the glass-house. She turned and began at once retracing her steps, for already the sun had set, and the shades of night were gathering over the landscape.