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He approached Fortunato and said: "You are the son of Mateo Falcone?" "Yes." "I am Gianetto Saupiero. "And what will my father say if I hide you without his permission?" "He will say that you have done well." "How do you know?" "Hide me quickly; they are coming." "Wait till my father gets back." "How can I wait? Malediction! They will be here in five minutes. Come, hide me, or I will kill you."

Gianetto, lying on the earth and bound like a fagot, turned his head towards Fortunato, who had approached. "Son of !" said he, with more contempt than anger.

"The devil take you, you cursed little scapegrace! I am certain that you have seen Gianetto. Perhaps, even, you have hidden him. Come, comrades, go into the house and see if our man is there. He could only go on one foot, and the knave has too much good sense to try to reach the mâquis limping like that. Moreover, the bloody tracks stop here."

Gianetto was already lying on the litter ready to set out. When he saw Mateo and Gamba in company he smiled a strange smile, then, turning his head towards the door of the house, he spat on the sill, saying: "House of a traitor." Only a man determined to die would dare pronounce the word traitor to Falcone.

"If by chance," thought he, "Mateo should be related to Gianetto, or if he should be his friend and wish to defend him, the contents of his two guns would arrive amongst us as certainly as a letter in the post; and if he should see me, notwithstanding the relationship!" In this perplexity he took a bold step.

We have had a long journey to-day, but have no reason to complain, for we have captured a famous prize. We have just seized Gianetto Saupiero." "God be praised!" cried Giuseppa. "He stole a milch goat from us last week." These words reassured Gamba. "Poor devil!" said Mateo, "he was hungry." "The villain fought like a lion," continued the Adjutant, a little mortified.

The first of these is the Mathematics, whose efficacy in this respect has been proved by frequent experience. The Venetian lady mentioned by Rousseau in his "Confessions" was not ignorant of this their power, when, seeing the singular effect which her charms had produced upon the, as yet, youthful philosopher, said to him, "Gianetto, lascia le donne e studia la matimatica."

Tell me quickly which way Gianetto went? We are looking for him, and I am sure he took this path." "Who knows?" "Who knows? It is I know that you have seen him." "Can any one see who passes when they are asleep?" "You were not asleep, rascal; the shooting woke you up." "Then you believe, cousin, that your guns make so much noise? My father's carbine has the advantage of them."

"Cousin, let me give you some advice: if you wait much longer Gianetto will be in the mâquis and it will take a smarter man than you to follow him."

Gianetto crouched down in it and the child covered him in such a way that he could breathe without it being possible to suspect that the hay concealed a man. He bethought himself further, and, with the subtlety of a tolerably ingenious savage, placed a cat and her kittens on the pile, that it might not appear to have been recently disturbed.