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Was it because Garfield was a President instead of a King, the elected leader of free men instead of the hereditary ruler of political slaves? Informer Newdegate would say so. In his opinion God Almighty hates Republicans. Yet the Bible clearly shows that the Lord is opposed to monarchy.

As Garfield began he showed the effects of fatigue from the many speeches he had been making for weeks, morning, noon, and night; but soon he threw himself heartily into the subject, and of all the thousands of political speeches I have heard it was the most effective.

He was neither as great a man nor as great an orator as General Garfield, although he was a much better executive officer, and in my opinion gave a better administration than General Garfield would have given had he served the term for which he was elected. Rutherford B. Hayes was an inconspicuous member of the House, as I recollect him now.

To digress for a moment, it is a peculiar coincidence that McKinley made his great reputation, in part, by nominating Mr. Sherman as a candidate for the Presidency in the Minneapolis convention of 1892. Like General Garfield in 1880, Mr. McKinley was perfectly willing to receive the nomination himself, although he was then, as Garfield was in 1880, the leader of the Sherman forces. But to return.

The humble dwelling of Abram Garfield and his young wife had but one large room. The three windows were of greased paper, a substitute for glass, and the furniture was home made and of the rudest description. Wood was the chief material used. There were wooden stools, a wooden bed, and wooden plates and dishes.

Garfield, "that in 1819 the law for resuming specie payment was passed, to go into effect gradually at first, and completely in 1823, and that the full resumption of specie payment actually took place early in the Spring of 1821 only about a year and three-quarters from the passage of the law?" "Yes," answered Mr. Stevens, "except in very large sums.

"I only wish that the fellow would fall into my hands," replied my companion. "If so, then revelations will be made that will startle Europe." "And incidentally gain you promotion in the service eh?" I laughed. He nodded and admitted: "I hope so, Señor Garfield. I sincerely hope so," he replied, and we parted for the night. Next day I woke early and sought my friend.

Senator Conkling aroused a tempest of enthusiasm for General Grant in a famous speech which began with the lines, When asked what state he hails from, Our sole reply shall be, He comes from Appomattox And its famous apple tree. Garfield presented Sherman's name. At the outset General Grant led, Blame was a close second and Sherman third. This order continued for thirty-five ballots.

Speedy, and one for his spouse I will leave you to conceive the enthusiasm that reigned in that small, bare apartment, with the sewing-machine in the one corner, and the babes asleep in the other, and pictures of Garfield and the Battle of Gettysburg on the yellow walls. Port-wine was had in by a sympathiser, and we drank it mingled with tears. "And I dhrink to your health, my dear," sobbed Mrs.

They dashed boldly into the stream, holding their cartridge-boxes above their heads, and plunged into the fight, shouting: "Hurrah for Williams and the Hiram boys!" But their position was most critical, for shot, and shell, and canister, and the fire of four thousand muskets are now concentrated upon them. "This will never do!" cries Garfield. "Who will volunteer to carry the other mountain?"