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The task of finding you will occupy the Minister's attention for a little while, and if De Froilette is ready, he will seize the opportunity to strike his blow. That is why I offered to drive Captain Ellerey to his lodging. If the token is to be given to-night he will not be there to receive it." "It may be sent to him," said the Princess. "That is why Dumitru watches by the Western Gate."

"Whoever your messenger was, he lied to you," said De Froilette. "Her Majesty shall presently convince you of that. I will return the bracelet to her." Vasilici burst out laughing. His quick eyes had taken in every detail of the room, had noted what lay upon the table, had keenly scanned his companion from head to foot. "We are not all fools in the hills, monsieur.

Ellerey murmured an assent, wondering what this recital was to lead to. "It is clear that his Majesty does not use this power," De Froilette went on. "He may be timid, he may lack ambition, we will speak no treachery; but in times past there have been ambitious monarchs, and still little has happened. Why?

On the second evening, Ellerey accompanied Monsieur De Froilette to Court. "You are prepared to be frivolous, monsieur, as her Majesty wishes?" said De Froilette, as they went. "You will find it tolerably easy, but, pardon the advice, make few friends; they are a danger to one with a secret mission." "Do you speak of men, monsieur, or women?" Ellerey asked.

As she turned, Monsieur De Froilette bowed low to her; he too was hastening toward the vestibule. When Desmond Ellerey had followed the messenger across the ball-room, his guide suddenly paused and said in a low tone: "Her Majesty is in her private apartment, and I am instructed to take you there. Will you come with me this way?"

The rabble had overrun these deserted mansions; might it not one day hammer at the doors of the palaces by the citadel yonder with demands not to be gainsaid? What manner of man was this De Froilette, what ends had he in view, that he should live in such a place?

When he entered the palace that evening, De Froilette inquired whether Lord Cloverton had arrived, and being answered in the negative, remained at the head of the stairs, speaking a few words to this acquaintance and to that, bowing a well-turned compliment to one fair lady, or meeting another's pleasantry with an answering jest. He was in excellent good humor.

With this new train of thought in his mind, the Frenchman's importance in the politics of Wallaria appeared to sink into insignificance. "You are welcome, monsieur. Is this a friendly visit or " "Friendly, certainly, but something more," De Froilette answered. He had not come to the Embassy without due deliberation.

"I find something to contemplate in all women, your Majesty, but, as yet, I have placed none above all others." "That confession should fire feminine ambition in Sturatzberg," laughed the Queen. "Spread the report of it, Monsieur De Froilette, and we shall witness excellent comedy, or tragedy I hardly know which love may be.

"I will be brief," said Maritza. "For a long time you have been intriguing with Queen Elena, through a servant of hers, one Jules de Froilette. By him you have been told to expect a certain token from her Majesty, upon the receipt of which you were to sweep down upon Sturatzberg, join yourselves with those who espoused her cause in the city, and set her alone upon the throne of Wallaria.