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The boy was not bold enough to answer the question loud out, but he whispered it to some older friend, who told the poet, no doubt with an indication of the blushing and eager lad from whom it came, which procured him a word and a look never forgotten.

So he rose from his chair and muttered some words with the intention of showing his purpose of departure. "Good-by, Captain Clavering," said Lady Ongar. "My love to my sister when you see her." Archie shook hands with her and then made his bow to Madam Gordeloup. "Au revoir, my friend," she said, "and you remember all I say.

In the midst of abundance we are starving. We let the water run idly through the open sluice instead of driving the wheels of life. My friend! God's measure of supply is correct.

He was implored to reconsider his course, as one very detrimental to the cause to which he was devoted, and which would probably tend to the triumph of those whose policy he had attempted to defeat, and whose personal conduct he had at least succeeded in punishing. 'The prophesied time has come, he wrote to his friend Mr.

She gave me, however, so many reasons, and alleged so many obligations by which she was bound to serve Doña Clementa even in matters of more importance, that much against my will, and with sore misgivings, I complied with Doña Estefania's wishes, on the assurance that the affair would not last more than eight days, during which we were to lodge with another friend of hers.

It is one mark of a superior mind to understand and be influenced by the superiority of others; and this was the case with James. The ascendency which his new friend acquired over him was unlimited, and did more in a month towards consolidating and developing his character than all the four years' course of a college.

"Anybody might have ragged his study." "That's just what I thought. He's just the sort of man the League used to go for." "That doesn't prove that it's been revived, all the same," objected Trevor. "No, friend; but this does. Mill found it tied to a chair." It was a small card. It looked like an ordinary visiting card. On it, in neat print, were the words, "With the compliments of the League".

Exactly at one o'clock the bell was rung at Sir Thomas's outside door, and Stemm was on the alert to give entrance to Mr. Trigger. When the door was opened who should present himself but our unfortunate friend Neefit. He humbly asked whether Sir Thomas was within, and received a reply which, as coming from Stemm, was courteous in the extreme. "Mr. Trigger, I suppose; walk in, Mr. Trigger."

When we reached the Republican with the herd about two hours before sundown, and while we were crossing and watering, who should ride up on the Spanish mule but our Tennessee friend.

To add to his misery, he had to endure the petty despotism of Sir Wolstan Dixie, one of the patrons of the school. The trial of a few months disgusted him so much with his employment, that he relinquished it, and, removing to Birmingham, became the guest of his friend Mr.

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