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"She only thinks of me as she would of a chair or a carriage which would make her friend more comfortable," thought the doctor; "and why should she think of me in any other way," he added, impatient with himself for the selfish thought. "To-morrow," said he, curtly. "If I can go, I will; and there is no time to be lost."

Euphemia accosted him with ten thousand inquiries respecting his friend, besides congratulations on his own good looks.

I send my kind remembrance to your father and mother, and to your teacher. I wish I could see your little sister. Good Bye, dear Helen. Do write to me soon again, directing your letter to Boston. Your affectionate friend PHILLIPS BROOKS. DR. HOLMES'S REPLY To a letter which has been lost. Beverly Farms, Mass., August 1, 1890.

"He is my friend," said Osman, in a calm, firm voice, "my best friend, and I trust that all who honor my father's house with their visits will observe a proper respect to the friend of his son. I expect this, and, if need be, will require it, for " "Here comes Mohammed!" cried the governor, rejoicing at any occurrence which interrupted his son's speech.

During 1775 I continued at Aix-la-Chapelle my essays, entitled, "The Friend of Men." My writings had made some impression; the people began to read; the monks were ridiculed, but my partisans increased, and their leader got himself cudgelled. They did not now mention my name publicly, but catechised their penitents at confession.

"It was no trouble, I am sure, no trouble whatever," he said, adding as though he wished to change the subject: "You didn't tell me your name " he hesitated, looking at Betty, who of course did tell him her name on the spot. This proved a signal for mutual introductions, and the girls learned that their new friend was a college professor, Arnold Dempsey by name.

The Protestants gained the day, but Gustavus fell, exclaiming to the murderous soldiers who demanded his name and quality, "I am the King of Sweden! And I seal this day, with my blood, the liberties and religion of the German nation." The death of Gustavus Adolphus in the hour of victory was a shock which came upon the allies like the loss of the dearest friend.

Simple hymns for instruction and devotion are also requisite, and I have endeavoured to provide such as these in a Manual, recently published in connexion with a friend, and which may be bad through the publisher of this work.

He attended the daily service in the cathedral, and preached when his turn came. He was charitable to the poor, and was a friend to Ireland, to whose people he rendered great services from his influence with the Government. He was beloved greatly by the Irish nation, in spite of his asperity, parsimony, and bad temper.

"I must admit, though, that it's sometimes quite amusing, the way they joke about it: I've got a friend, now, who is most original, though she's really a beautiful woman, most popular in society, goes everywhere, and she tells me that she got her cook to make one of these Japanese salads, putting in everything that young M. Dumas says you're to put in, in the play.

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