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Ah! something that makes one feel warm and forgiving in the midst of one's regrets, a delicious feeling; when it takes possession of you, you cease to be hard and cold and fierce, and want to do good." Mrs. Frayling died of a disease for which we have a remedy nowadays or, to speak plainly, she died for want of proper treatment.

At intervals, all-day expeditions were undertaken to Monte Carlo, or shopping raids upon Cannes or Nice. Yes, verily as he reflected Henrietta Frayling did keep the ball rolling with truly Anglo-Indian frivolity and persistence, here in the heart of Europe! And was that altogether wholesome for Damaris?

"That is true," said Mrs. Frayling; "and it is worse with women. When they have ideas, as my husband was saying only this morning, they become quite outrageous new ideas, of course I mean, you know." "He seems to admire Edith very much," Mrs. Orton Beg observed. Mrs. Beale smiled complacently. Edith sat long in her room that night on the seat of the window that faced the east.

Frayling as Hordle understood, which he requested to deliver to Miss Damaris in person. He begged her to believe he was in no hurry. If she was engaged he could perfectly well wait. He would do so in the hotel drawing-room, until it was convenient to her to allow him a few minutes' conversation.

Why, her first words on awaking this morning, were: 'Oh, mother! I am so happy! and that doesn't sound like being overpersuaded!" "Then what, in God's name, is the explanation of all this?" Major Colquhoun exclaimed, showing some natural emotion for the first time. "That is it," said Mr. Frayling energetically. "There must be some explanation."

"Not I, indeed," was Major Colquhoun's most unexpected rejoinder; "I shall not give myself any trouble on her account; she may go." "Oh, for Heaven's sake, don't say that, George!" Mrs. Frayling exclaimed. "You do love her, and she loves you; I know she does. Some dreadful mischief-making person has come between you. But wait, do wait, until you know more. It will all come right in the end.

Damaris softly murmured; and, transported by sentiment to that earlier date when the said darling Henrietta commanded her unqualified adoration, began playing with the well-remembered bunch of trinkets depending from the long gold chain the lady wore about her neck. Watching her, Mrs. Frayling sighed.

Frayling followed the ray, and read the bald titles by its uncompromising clearness histology, pathology, anatomy, physiology, prophylactics, therapeutics, botany, natural history, ancient and outspoken history, not to mention the modern writers and the various philosophies. Mr.

Frayling brightly cried, "bustling up in defence of its own loyalty and honour. Ah! Damaris, how very delicious it is to have you with me!" For, her main point having been made, she now adroitly discarded pathos. Another word regarding her philanthropic harbourage of the young man, Marshall Wace, remained to be spoken but not yet. Let it come in later, naturally and without hint of insistence.

But on the morning of the fourth day, by the first post, letters arrived which put an end to their suspense. One was from Mrs. Orton Beg and the other from Evadne herself. Mrs. Frayling read them aloud at the breakfast table, and the three sat for an hour in solemn conclave, considering them. Mrs.