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"Signor Bacri," said Francisco, examining the straight short weapon handed to him, "I thank thee for all thy kindness to me and my boys especially for these swords, for assuredly unless thou canst also furnish me with a pair of young and active legs, I am like to have more of fighting than running hereafter.

When these occurrences had been told by Cuyapit in the Church of San Francisco, under an oath before the Virgin, the pieces were carried in reverential procession to Manila, and the miracle of San Francisco of the Tears is accepted there as history. Suppressing Magic in Manila

Cruisers and whalers occasionally put into the harbour to obtain fresh supplies of water, but beyond these and the vessels engaged in the hide-trade few ships ever visited the port, and the name of San Francisco was almost unknown. But the instant the rumour got abroad that gold had been discovered there, the eyes of the world were turned towards it.

"When you say 'go back, do you mean San Francisco or the East?" Carmen tried to make her voice sound indifferent, though polite. "To San Francisco, for a while. I'm not going East, I hope. I've bought land near Monterey. I mean to build and make a home for myself in California." Carmen's one lingering hope died.

Some Cities roar and others hum, but San Francisco sings. Especially on Saturday at noon and downtown. Saturday noon in San Francisco is like nothing else anywhere but Saturday noon in San Francisco. And Saturday noon is like the noon of no other day but Saturday. On Sunday they're off. On Saturday noon everybody's on the street. There are more flowers on Saturday noon.

Faith, Madam, I hope to live to see a more comical end of your Amours but see where your amiable Spouse comes with Don Baltazer your Father. Enter Francisco and Baltazer. Fran. So you two are damnable close together, 'tis for no goodness I'll warrant, you have your trade betimes. Jac. Meaning me, Sir? Fran.

Why, say, a year ago when he sold off his wool there was a piece in the county paper about him getting eighteen thousand dollars for it; so naturally there was a man that said he was a well-known capitalist come up from San Francisco to sell him some stock in a rubber company.

Rodrigo de la Isla Espinosa declared that an old map in his possession showed more than thirteen hundred and seventy leagues, but he increased the amount to about two thousand and thirty leagues. Francisco de Astigarribia's map measured eighteen hundred and fifty leagues, but his estimation was about two thousand and ten leagues.

They say that vengeance is sweet. I will taste it and try," said the merchant, with a grim smile. "`Vengeance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord," returned Bacri slowly; "says not your own Scripture so?" "It may be so, but man's power of endurance is limited," retorted Francisco gloomily. "But God's power to aid and strengthen is not limited," returned the Jew.

About the time that the mission of San Francisco was founded, the Spanish government decided to lay out two towns, or pueblos, where it was thought the fertile character of the soil would lead the settlers to raise grain and other supplies, not only for themselves but for the people of the presidios. Up to this time a large part of the food had been brought, at a considerable cost, from Mexico.