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Nevertheless the conversation had made some impression on Mrs Fotheringham, for the next day, after studying Iris in silence for some time, she said suddenly: "Were you sorry not to go to the seaside after Lottie was ill?" "Lottie?" said Iris; "oh, you mean Dottie. Her real name is Dorothy, you know, only she's so small, and round, and pudgy, Max says she's like a full stop.

Fotheringham, and ask whether he could throw any light on Arthur's trouble. The children were out of doors, and Theodora was profiting by the interval of quiet to write to her mother, when she heard James announce, 'Mr. Fotheringham. She looked up, then down. Her first thought was of her brother; the next brought the whole flood of remembrances, and she could not meet his eye.

"Oh!" said Mrs Fotheringham. She stared silently at Iris for a moment, then resumed. "I've no doubt it would be an immense pleasure to listen to you if you read like most children of your age. Anything more?" Iris became scarlet under her godmother's fixed gaze, for both she and the parrot seemed to be chuckling silently at her confusion.

She could not help smiling a little as she thought how the "others" would all be at the station to meet her, and how they would laugh, and talk, and wave things, and kiss her, and how much she would have to tell them. "I'll give you a proverb to take back with you," said Mrs Fotheringham after a moment's pause.

"Yes, that's my name." "I have a letter from Mr. Bassett for you," and, taking it from his pocket, he handed it to the messenger. Fotheringham read the letter carefully, and placing it in his pocket, said: "Going to get a job, eh?" "Yes, the old man said he would give me a show, and as soon as there was a regular run open, he would let me have it."

Colwood was introduced, and room was made for the new-comers in the circle round the tea-table, which was presided over by a lady with red hair and an eye-glass, who gave a hand to Diana, and a bow, or more precisely a nod, to Mrs. Colwood. "I'm Oliver's sister my name's Fotheringham. That's my cousin Madeleine Varley. Madeleine, find me some cups! This is Mr. Ferrier Mr.

One word of forgiveness would be solace in a life of deserved loneliness and disappointment. Trembling with gladness, Violet could hardly refrain from rousing Arthur to hear the good news! She hastily wrote the word 'Try! twisted it into a note, and sent it down in case Mr. Fotheringham should still be in the house.

Fotheringham, had made an enormous fortune in the Iron Trade of the north, retiring at sixty that he might enjoy some of those pleasures of life for which business had left him too little time. One of these pleasures was building.

"I loved it," said Iris fervently, "The bathing, and the nice swishy noise the waves made on the beach, and the smell of the sea, and the rocks, and the sea-weed, and shrimps, and the tiny little crabs. It was lovely." "It's a pity you can't often go," remarked Mrs Fotheringham. "Yes," said Iris with a sigh, "it is. But, you see, the lodgings are so dear, and there's such a lot of us."

'Lady Fotheringham, his uncle's wife, is sister to Mark's mother, my uncle's wife, said Jane. 'There! I trust that is lucidly done. 'That is all, is it? said Theodora. 'Enough for the sending of a card. Tell me where, if you know. Theodora named the place. 'Does he show off well? Mark says he has claws