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And yet, in spite of her anger, her first sensation was a sort of relenting a wish to let him off, not to entrap him into deceiving her by pretending not to know, not to act a part, but to throw herself into his arms, violently abusing Eugenia, forgiving him, and imploring him vaguely to take her away.

He did not forget his promise on the morrow; and when he found that the woman was right, he punished her accuser, and set her free. As we have already seen, when Philip found himself in the wrong, he was not afraid to admit his mistake, and to try to do better. He was also very patient and forgiving. On one occasion he heard that a man named Ni-ca´nor was always speaking ill of him.

The company proved a bubble; all turned their indignation on the one rich man who could pay where others cheated. Gunston was ruined purse and character fled to Calais; and there, less than seven years ago, when in great distress, he received from poor Willy a kind, affectionate, forgiving letter, and L100. I have this from Gunston's nearest relation, to whom he told it, crying like a child.

And that is no delusion nor fancy; it is the most patent fact, that between you and your Father in Heaven, howsoever loving, tender, compassionate, and forgiving, there lies a great gulf. You cannot go to God, my brother, with all that guilt heaped upon your conscience; you cannot come near to Him with all that mass of evil which you know is there, working in your soul.

How lovely she looked! My heart melted, and I was just on the point of forgiving her when the voice of Koerner became audible from below, calling out "Mrs. Koerner!" I tore myself away from her, and cried passionately, "You don't love me! you love him! go to him!"

Her mood of forgiving love for the village, which the cricket-ball had interrupted, had been so real that she felt as if a pact had been established between it and her, and she was quite sure that she would be safe from the boys there. If they were tiresome and followed her, no doubt somebody like Mrs.

"I'se garner and stable man, and lives in the ladge now," this worthy man remarked, with a grin of welcome to Pen, and something of a blush; but instantly as Pen turned the corner of the shrubbery and was out of eye-shot of the coach, Helen made her appearance, her face beaming with love and forgiveness for forgiving is what some women love best of all.

The creed that the old priests would have had me yes! that Philip would have had me embrace. Charity and good-will! They talk of it, but I have never seen them practise it! Loving one another! forgiving one another! say rather hating and preying upon one another! A creed never practised: why, if not practised, of what value is it?

'Whatsoever things are reverend, whatsoever things are honourable, whatsoever things are lovely all these are in Him, and all as they are seen in men are from Him. 'He that formed the eye, shall not He see? We forgive, and will not He? In a very real sense our forgiving is the condition of our being forgiven.

It was a painful doubt; but nevertheless she was as good as her word, and saw him through the chink, forgiving him for his impetuosity in the parlour with, perhaps, more clemency than a mere pardon required. "By George! how well she looked with her hair all loose," he said to himself, as he at last regained his pillow, still warm with the generous god.