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These she deposited upon the table, then dutifully greeted the visitor. "An' how do you like them new fol-de-rols, Cicely Ann?" inquired Hezekiah, eyeing askance the collection. The fol-de-rols consisted of some wooden plaques of different sizes, which the new art craze had brought to the widow's cottage.

But the rings, bracelets and all those ruby-emerald-diamond fol-de-rols make me sick." "And yet you could have no fine watches without jewels remember that." Abashed, the lad colored. "Oh, I know the best watches have their works dolled up with precious stones." "Scarcely dolled up, son," Mr. Burton answered. "I thought that was what they were put in for." "Just for ornament?" "Sure!

He fell against the door, which swung open, and he rolled as far as the counter, and struck his face against it. The shock, that might well have been fatal, brought him out of his intense nightmare and made him instantly himself again. He rose, jumped over the heap of boots and fol-de-rols, and leaped to the court. There Boris grabbed him by his coat.

"As a house decorator you surpass yourself as a Medicine Man." "Fix these as you did those upstairs," ordered the Harvester. "We don't want any fol-de-rols. Put the bottom even with the sill and shear them off at the top." "No, I am going to arrange these," said the decorator, "you go on with your part." "All right!" agreed the Harvester. "First, I'll lay the big rug."

Follingsbee, "don't you want to be shown your room?" "Go it, then, my dearie; and I'll toddle up with the fol-de-rols and what-you-may-calls," said the incorrigible Dick. "There, wife, Mrs. John Seymour shall go first, so that you shan't be jealous of her and me. You know we came pretty near being in interesting relations ourselves at one time; didn't we, now?" he said with another wink.

"You see, Grace, poor Lillie, dear little thing, you don't know how distressed she is; and, Grace, we must find somebody to do up all her fol-de-rols and fizgigs for her, you know. You see, she's been used to this kind of thing; can't do without it." "Well, I'll try to-morrow, John," said Grace, patiently. "There is Mrs. Atkins, she is a very nice woman." "Oh, exactly! just the thing," said John.

Modern military science has wiped them out along with most of the other picturesque fol-de-rols of the old game of war.

Just give all your attention to polishing her up a bit and teaching her the newest fol-de-rols. Living all over the country is not the best thing for a young lady, I have found out. It may be conducive to physical development, but it leaves something to be desired in educational lines."

Tell me what her name was and let the fol-de-rols go." "Her name?" exclaimed the girl with some sharpness, "how should I know her name; she did'nt come to see me." "How did she look then? You saw her I suppose?" "And was'nt that what I was telling you, when you stopped me.

Of course she wiped up her tears pretty soon, not willin' to lose any of the wimmen's bright speeches. But when her tear-drops fell fast, Josiah sez to me, "You'll see them wimmen run like hikers now, wimmen always thought more of shiffon and fol-de-rols than they did of principle."