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Updated: August 14, 2024

"Yes," said Thorwald, "and in anticipation of your consent to go on the expedition, I invited some other friends of yours last night to share the pleasure with us. And here they are now," he continued, rising and stepping to the door. The doctor and I hurried forward, and were heartily greeted by Proctor, the astronomer, and Foedric of the red voice.

Foedric was modest, as we had learned before, but he entered into Thorwald's plan with evident pleasure, and said, addressing the doctor and me: "My friends from foreign skies, you do not need advice from me after you have been so long with Thorwald and Zenith, but I will send a message to your unfortunate fellow beings who have never had the pleasure of their acquaintance.

"Foedric," said Thorwald, as soon as the guest had been greeted, "let me present you to these two friends from the earth. You doubtless have heard of their arrival." "I have," answered Foedric, "and I am exceedingly pleased to make their acquaintance." And then turning to the doctor, he said: "We shall not let Thorwald and Zenith have the monopoly of your company while you are visiting our world.

How well I remember that group of persons: Proctor, the devout astronomer; the stalwart and earnest Foedric; Zenith, the queen of all womanly graces; and Thorwald himself, our friend and brother, the rich fruit of an advanced development.

"Well," answered Thorwald, "we mean to see what we can of the satellite. Foedric, let us point the glass at it and be selecting a place to land." But Foedric was obliged to let Thorwald handle the glass alone, for his attention was needed just now to manage our craft.

"Then why do you bother me so, asking all these questions, and saying things I don't understand? You appear to be surprised to find that I love Foedric. Why, I love everybody. What am I going to do, if I cannot love people as much as I want to?" "You shall, Mona," I replied, with a sudden softening of my heart toward her.

And now, with my heart free, why should I not love Avis? The mere fact that she was an inhabitant of Mars proved that she was far too good for me, but I could see by the example of Foedric and Antonia that Avis would never, in consequence of her high development, have any scruples against loving one person more than others.

Foedric and I fell into conversation about her. Foedric praised her to the skies, saying that, if this were a fair specimen, the inhabitants of the moon must have been a remarkable people, and that it was unfortunate that they had so nearly passed from the stage.

He then expressed his pleasure to the doctor and me that he had the opportunity of making our further acquaintance. "We are taking them for the ride," said Thorwald, "and you may choose any course and go to any height you please." We thanked Foedric for his pleasant words, and then he showed us about the car and explained its conveniences.

I have said it so many times and with so little variety of expression that I fear the monotony will tire you. You can tell how strong my devotion is by my every look and action." "Very well," Foedric responded, "then I, too, will be silent." "Oh, no; I retract what I have said if it is to have that effect. It is only my own expressions that seem tiresome.

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