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Walker, "is the Bayou Manchac which D'Iberville descended in his boat after having explored the Mississippi probably as far as Red River. The bed of the bayou is now fifteen feet above the present stage of water in the Mississippi." A field-hand was then called, who was said to be the best geographer in those parts, white or black.

I can have no peace until you tell me that I may still do my poor best to make amends that when your home is mine you will let me give it back to you." "It is too late," he answered with bitter humour. "You can't put a field-hand in a fine house and make him a gentleman. It is too late to undo what was done twenty years ago. The place can never be mine again I have even ceased to want it.

Peter Champneys spoke in the voice his grandfather had on a time used to a recalcitrant field-hand. "Chuck that little nigger-lover in the swamp!" "Knock him down an' git the nigger, Mosely!" "Burn down the house!" But the shot-gun in that steady young hand held them in check for a breathing-space. They knew Peter Champneys. "Mosely!" snapped Peter. "You, too, Nicolson!

"Yes, but he's a good field-hand, and I'll keep his temper down. Have somethin' mo'?" "I've got to go back now and feed the pris'ners," said Haines, rising after he had taken another drink; "an' I'll stir Bud up so he'll raise h ll, an' to-morrow morning I'll make another charge against him that'll fetch his fine up to fifty and costs."

Edward T. Taylor, finding it necessary to chastise a field-hand, attempted to do so in the field. The negro resisted, and made fight, and, being the stronger of the two, gave the overseer a beating, and then betook himself to the woods. Mr. Ball, as soon as he could do so, mounted his horse, and, proceeding to Mr. Taylor's residence, informed him of what had occurred.

The field-hand, however, will single one delicate shoot from the surrounding multitude, and with his rude hoe he will trim away the remainder with all the boldness of touch of a master, leaving the incipient stalk unharmed and alone in its glory; and at nightfall you can look along the extending rows, and find the plants correct in line, and of the required distance of separation from each other.

In the meantime the boys had gotten breakfast. Then Shorty, who was dying to train their new acquisition for a winning fight with the Colonel's negro, took him behind the house for a little private instruction in boxing. The field-hand had never even heard of such a thing before, but Shorty was too much in earnest to care for a little thing like that.

Sound and without blemish. "Lot 2. Hannibal, 40. Dark mulatto, 5 foot 9 inches, good coachman, sound and steady. "Lot 3. Cesar, 43. Black field-hand. Sound," etcetera, etcetera. My eyes could not wait for the disgusting details. They ran down the column in search of that name.

The fact, of coarse, was unpleasant, and the loss considerable, a prime field-hand, with some knowledge of carpentry and a good performer on the violin, but evasions must be checked, and I cannot see why Mr. Mellasys's method was too severe. Mr.

The newspaper in question is a highly popular one with the aristocratical slave-owners of Virginia, and the editor one of those champions of the unjust and iniquitous system who invariably meet with extensive patronage in every part of the southern states. "A FIELD-HAND SHOT. A gentleman named Ball, overseer to Mr.