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So in the cheeriest daintiest way Rose was made much of by both brother and sister. Lady Helen chatted of gowns and music and people, whisked Rose and Agnes off to this party and that, brought fruit and flowers to Mrs. Leyburn, made pretty deferential love to Catherine, and generally, to Mrs. Pierson's disgust, became the girls' chief chaperon in a fast-filling London. Meanwhile, Mr.

Roberts, as she made her way out from the fast-filling store, felt that she had not made great progress toward getting acquainted with her class. Still it must be admitted that if young Ried had gotten some new ideas, so also had she. "A Christian home!" She found herself repeating the phrase, lingering over it, wondering if her new home, in every sense of the word, merited that title.

Its very woes had made it dear to me. It had quiet once more, and a peace that was not all a peace. It had its early soldier homes, its fast-filling cemeteries, and the tender memory of a martyred President resting over us like a pall. These had come to seem like a heritage to me, and in my weakness I clung to them. Still, the order was obeyed and I went.

Only one row of bourgeois graves, some occupied, some still a louer, separated it from an unlovely waste piece of ground, bounded by the gaunt brick wall of the fast-filling cemetery. As I began to muse thereon, I heard a cry, and perceived my guardian peeping from round the corner of a distant tomb, and beckoning me with imperative forefinger.

Every man on board the "White Ship" was startled by that shock into instant sobriety. The brave Fitz-Stephen left the now useless helm, and rushed to where the prince, entrusted to his care, was clinging to the mast of the fast-filling vessel. With his own hand he cut loose the small boat which she carried, and by sheer force placed William in it, and a few of the crew.

'Do you see your father yet? Strang asked. 'Not yet, sir, Ken answered, with his eyes fixed on the fast-filling boat. 'Sixteen seventeen eighteen, he counted mechanically. Suddenly a slight cry escaped his lips, and he started forward. 'Father! he shouted loudly.

Upon this the prim master of the ceremonies, threading his path through the now fast-filling room, approached towards Lucy to obey Mr. Clifford's request.

As the story was unfolded, the old man evinced much feeling, often raising his hand to shade fast-filling eyes, or to brush away the tears that fell down his furrowed face. They told him of Amanda's silence as to the past, and he commended her for it, remarking to Mr.

Then the press divided, running along on both sides of the carriages, in two fast-filling streams whose murmurs swelled into a very torrent's roar of questions and prayers for news of the general and the army. "Was Hannibal beaten? Had he been slain, or was he waiting in chains to grace the Fabian triumph?

He glanced back over the fast-filling church and raised his eyebrows a trifle to indicate the honor. Bach smiled gravely. A humorous look came into his eyes. "Let the service go on as usual," he said quietly. "When it is done, I will play if time allows." The choirmaster squeezed his moist palms and wiped an anxious brow. "And that, too will be well," he murmured gratefully.