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All which things we are freed from by the Gospel; Christ having offer'd up himself once for all, through whom forgiveness of Sin is preached to as many as believe in him, truly repenting of their past Sins, and walking in newness of Life, conformably to the Law of him their Master; but and if, thro' humane Weakness or Imbecillity, we do Sin, he is our Advocate with the Father, who for the sake of him his Beloved Son, will justify, or accept as Righteous, those who truly believe in him, whence we are justify'd by God's free Grace or Favour, and not by the Works of the Law, against which all have transgressed, and fail'd of a perfect Obedience.

The first ceremonies being pass'd, as Madam, the Duchess, uses not much, she fell to commend my lady's dressing-plate, and taking up the box, and opening it, found the letter, and laughing, cried, 'Oh, have I found you making love; at which my lady, with an infinite confusion, would have retrieved it, but the Duchess not quitting her hold, cried 'Nay, I am resolved to see in what manner you write to a lover, and whether you have a heart tender or cruel? At which she began to read aloud, my lady to blush and change colour a hundred times in a minute: I ready to die with fear; Madam the Countess, in infinite amazement, my lady interrupting every word the Duchess read, by prayers and entreaties, which heightened her curiosity, and being young and airy, regarded not the indecency to which she preferr'd her curiosity, who still laughing, cried she was resolv'd to read it out, and know the constitution of her heart; when my lady, whose wit never fail'd her, cried, 'I beseech you, madam, let us have so much complaisance for Melinda as to ask her consent in this affair, and then I am pleas'd you should see what love I can make upon occasion: I took the hint, and with a real confusion, cried 'I implore you, madam, not to discover my weakness to Madam, the Duchess; I would not for the world be thought to love so passionately, as your ladyship, in favour of Alexis, has made me profess, under the name of Sylvia to Philander'. This encouraged my lady, who began to say a thousand pleasant things of Alexis, Dorillus his son, and my lover, as your lordship knows, and who is no inconsiderable fortune for a maid, enrich'd only by your lordship's bounty.

Laws or divine or human fail'd to move, Or shame of men, or dread of gods above: Heedless alike of infamy or praise, Or Fame's eternal voice in future days, Pope's Odyssey, book xxii, v. 47, &c. But it is now time to present the reader with a general view of the works of Plato, and, also to speak of the preambles, digressions, and style of their author, and of the following translation.

Her life was turning, turning, In mazes of heat and sound, But for peace her soul was yearning, And now peace laps her round. Her cabin'd, ample spirit, It flutter'd and fail'd for breath. To-night it doth inherit The vasty hall of death. After Laura's death I spent most of my time in the East End of London.

Now, the youth was abashed at her discernment, and the kindliness of her manner won him to say: There's many a flower of sweetness, there's many a gem of earth Would thrill with bliss our being, could we perceive its worth. O beauteous is creation, in fashion and device! If I have fail'd to think thee fair, 'tis blindness is my vice.

In most other places that I have observ'd this Year, the common way of management has been rather regarded than the rational part; and even the best Gardeners have fail'd in their Pruning the last Year, for the production of this Year's Fruit.