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Alice and I agreed with Mrs. Krome, the painter, that white paint was as expensive a paint as could be selected. It was our desire, in our choice of paint, to do nothing likely to lessen or to detract from the lustre of the princeliness of Mr. Rock's liberality. Mr.

"Here's some rot that a fellow managed to drop on me to-day. I didn't mean to undo it, but if it has an out-of-door setting, I'll give it a glance!" "Has it?" asked the angel, watching the perspiring face of Camden. "It has! Big open. Hills expensive open." "Is it rot?" "Umph listen to this!" Camden's sharp eye lighted on a vivid sentence or two.

"But I've always heard," said Constantia, "they are considered so very expensive." "Not if one buys them in moderation," said Josephine. But she tore herself away from this fascinating bypath and dragged Constantia after her. "What we've got to decide now, however, is whether we really do trust Kate or not." Constantia leaned back. Her flat little laugh flew from her lips.

I believe that most people will concur with me in the opinion that the system of reducing the fixed official pay below a remuneration that will induce men of standing and education to undertake the duties which their situation requires them to exercise, and to trust to exaction supplying its place, is extremely impolitic, and much more expensive to the country than a more liberal scale of pay would prove.

"Do you know of one?" asked Kenneth. "Yes; but he must be brought from Buffalo. It will be expensive, sir. That is why I ask if your interest in the girl warrants our going to the limit to save her." Kenneth was thoughtful, while the girls looked at him expectantly and Tom Gates with visible anxiety.

What did Matthew and Moreton want? and little Biddy? Maude had not "spoiled" them; but they didn't seem to have any definite wants. The children made me think, with a sudden softening, of Tom Peters, and I went into a tobacconist's and bought him a box of expensive cigars.

Nay, sir, I trust before many years to be able to refund you every copper which has been spent upon me from the moment I entered your household." He said hastily: "I wish nothing of that, Edward; but the law is a study of years, and is expensive and unpromising in every respect.

He had good call to know him, as well as the rest of us, for a most expensive animal, before all was said and done. What he cost us all round it would be hard indeed to cipher up. Anyhow, there was a great laugh at Starlight's easy way of taking it.

He should have gone to Beeson, Pancoast with it; instead of to Trull. Trull hadn't pushed it at all: they merely announced it with a string of books on very dull subjects. Then, too, they had used a cursed small type. He had protested against this and had been told that a larger type would have made it much more expensive, would probably have necessitated doing the work in two volumes.

This was quite a luxurious breakfast for Dick, and more expensive than he was accustomed to indulge himself with. To gratify the curiosity of my young readers, I will put down the items with their cost, Coffee, . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 cts. Beefsteak, . . . . . . . . . . . 15 A couple of rolls, . . . . . . . 5 25 cts.