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She expressed it clearly, yet there was something drawing us apart, and I began to be afraid. Towards the middle of June the tension became so great, that I could see the time had arrived when it would be necessary to do something; and, one night, I determined to mention the matter. Accordingly, after dinner, I persuaded Evie to come into the garden, with the intention to speak firmly in my mind.

"But, darling," Miriam asked, in a puzzled voice, "what are you going to do about it?" Evie wheeled round haughtily. "Do about it? What would you expect me to do about it? I'm going to tell every one he didn't do it that's what I'm going to do about it. But of course we're not to speak of it just yet outside ourselves, you know.

"And isn't it funny, Evie, dear," Miss Jarrott began, just as he was about to take his leave, "that Mr. Strange's name should be " "Yes, I've been thinking about that," Miss Colfax fluted, with that pretty way she had of speaking with little movement of the lips. But he was gone.

"This time he seems to have disappeared for good." "I see I shall have to take up your job, and devote my energies to the task of his capture," he said laughingly. And, turning to Evie, he said, "I presume you will not allow Sutgrove to take any risks of that sort now, Miss Maitland?"

Wilcox had desired her, when the funeral should be over, to forward the enclosed. The enclosed it was from his mother herself. "I suppose we're going to have a talk about this?" he remarked, ominously calm. "Certainly. I was coming out to you when Dolly " "Well, let's sit down." "Come, Evie, don't waste time, sit down." In silence they drew up to the breakfast-table.

But to my surprise Alan had sprung to his feet, and was looking down at me, his whole body quivering with excitement. "Yes, Evie," he cried, "and the first line is a prophecy; where the woman sinned the maid HAS won." He seized the hand which I instinctively reached out to him. "We have not seen the end of this yet," he went on, speaking rapidly, and as if articulation had become difficult to him.

"Ther's things broke inside me, Nan," he said, in a voice that was growing stronger. "A rib, I guess. Maybe it's my shoulder. The others guess they're just nothing. Now tell me the things I asked. How did you happen to git around? Start that way." A sense of relief helped the girl. He had given her an opportunity which she seized upon. "Oh, Jeff, it was just thanks to Evie.

"Major Flint told me. It seemed quite to interest him. Now I must pop into the stationer's " Diva was really very obtuse. "I'm popping in there, too," she said. "Want a time-table of the trains." Wild horses would not have dragged from Miss Mapp that this was precisely what she wanted. "I only wanted a little ruled paper," she said. "Why, here's dear Evie popping out just as we pop in!

It was the middle of October when Evie wrote from Lenox to say she would come to town to meet Ford on his arrival, begging Miriam to give her shelter for a night or two. The Grants remaining abroad, Miss Jarrott had taken the house in Seventy-second Street for another winter, but as Evie would run up to New York alone she preferred for the minute to be Miriam's guest.

Was this altogether just? Without fully explaining, she had died. It was a fault on her part, and tears rushed into his eyes what a little fault! It was the only time she had deceived him in those thirty years. He rose to his feet and looked out of the window, for Evie had come in with the letters, and he could meet no one's eye. Ah yes she had been a good woman she had been steady.