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"I was rais' a Catholic, but when I come here twant no church an' I joined de Baptis' an' was baptised. Now de white folks lemme go to dey church. Dey aint no cullud church near 'nough so's I can go. I spec' its all right. I figgers dat God is ever'where. "My Mistis knowed how to read an' write. I don' know 'bout de Marster. He could keep sto' anyway. Us all spoke French in dem days.

It made my innards hurt to see fire 'tached to somethin' dat had cost us Niggers so much labor an' hones' sweat. If I could a-hid some o' it in de barn I'd a-done it, but de boss searched ever'where. "De little Niggers thought it was fun. Dey laughed an' brung out big armfuls from de cotton house. One little black gal clapped her han's an' jumped in a big heap.

Henry Gully were Mr. "'De town were a-millin' wid folks from ever'where. Chisolm an' dem done got in de jail for safety an' Miss Cornelia Chisolm went back'ards an' for'ards to de jail. Mr. McClendon he were one of' em were wid her twict. He were on de right-hand side. Some b'lieved he were de one dat killed Mr. John Gully.

That ain't no superstition; that's a scientific fac'. They is so little you don't see 'em; but they's there all right. Mis' Bertram says they's ever'where in the water, in the air, crawlin' up the very walls." Gordon Lee looked fearfully at the ceiling, as if he expected an immediate attack from that direction. "I ain't sayin' dey ain't, Amanda.

"I I cannot go, gentlemen," she stammered. "Please don't insist please don't ask why. I cannot go " "I shay, Conshance, by Jove, the joke's on you," exclaimed Freddie. "I know who 't ish you're waitin' f-for. Well, he can't come. He's locked in." "Freddie, you are drunk!" in deep scorn. "I know it," he admitted cheerfully. "We've looked ever'where for you. We're your frien's.

Lizzie got jest wrapped up in that boy; toted him round ever'where 'nd never let on like it made her tired, powerful big 'nd hearty child too, but heft warn't nothin' 'longside of Lizzie's love for the Old Man.

He advanced the thought that shooting was recognized as necessary under proper conditions and safeguards, ever'where, but that kidnapping was looked on as bordering on the criminal even in the case of a child. How much more so, then, in the case of a growed-up adult man and Dimocrat? "Nobody couldn't think of nothing else then, but Colonel Bud 'lowed we was bleeged to do something.