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But tacklin' hard jobs as I always tackle 'em, I sot down calm in front of him with my umbrell on my lap and told him all of Serepta's errents, and how I had brought 'em from Jonesville on my tower.

"Come to-night to our seansy, and we will call 'em, and you shall talk with 'em." "Wall," says I candidly, "to tell the truth, bein' only wimmen present, I'll tell you, I have got to mend my petticoat to-night. My errents have took me round to such a extent, that it has got all frayed out round the bottom, and I have got to mend the fray.

I cried onto my apron, and couldn't help it. A new apron too. And right while I wus cryin' onto that gingham apron, she made me promise to carry them two errents of hern to the President, and to get 'em done for her if I possibly could. "She wanted the Whiskey Ring destroyed, and she wanted her rights; and she wanted 'em both in less than 2 weeks."

"For," says I, "if they wouldn't listen to the deepest, most earnest, and most prayerful words that could come from the hearts of thousands and tens of thousands of the best mothers and wives and daughters in America, the most intelligent and upright and pure- minded women in the land, loaded down with their hopes, wet with their tears if they turned their hearts', prayers and deepest desires into ridicule, throwed 'em round under their feet, they wouldn't pay no attention to Dorlesky's errents, they wouldn't notice one little vegitable widow, humbly at that, and sort o' disagreeable."

I pitied him, and would gladly have refrained from troubling him more. But duty hunched me; and when she hunches, I have to move forward. Says I in measured tones, each tone measurin' jest about the same, half duty, and half pity for him, "Dorlesky Burpy sent these errents to you. She wanted intemperance done away with the Whiskey Ring broke right up.

With dignity and courtesy and prudence. And we have been proud of you, Josiah and me both have." He brightened up: he had been afraid, I could see, that we wuzn't suited with him. And it took a load offen him. His linement looked clearer than it had, and brighter. "And now," says I, sithin' a little, "I have got to do Dorlesky's errents." He, too, sithed. His linement fell.

He said they all knew in their own hearts, both of the errents was right and just, to their own souls and their own country. He said for the liquor had made him very open-hearted and talkative that they knew the course they was pursuin' in regard to intemperance was a crime against God and their own consciences. But they didn't dare to tackle unpopular subjects.

But we must keep it secret as the grave, for he would lose all the influence he had with the other members and be turned out of the Presidential chair if it wuz knowed that he had lifted wimmen up to such a hite, and gin 'em such a opportunity to feel as if they wuz equal to men. Well, we went early and Josiah left me to Philander's and went on to do some errents.

"No: men will be gentler, and wimmen nobler; and they will both come nearer bein' angels, though most probable they won't be angels: they won't be any too good then, I hain't a mite afraid of it." "Can you, and will you, do Dorlesky's errents?" Wall, he said, "as far as giving Dorlesky her rights was concerned, he felt that natural human instinct was against the change."

And I was ashamed enough as I looked Noah Webster's steel engraving in the face, to think I had misspoke myself, and called 'em gentlemen. Wall, from that minute I gin up doin' Dorlesky's errents. And I felt like death about it. But this thought held me up, that I had done my best.