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"You believe it," he said. "I 'm livin' on believin' it," she said confidingly. "I ain't got nothin' else. An' answers keeps comin' and comin'." "What answers?" "Bits o' work an' things as 'elps. Glad there, she's one." "Aw," said Glad, "I ain't nothin'. I likes to 'ear yer tell about it.

"Swelp me bob," cried the delighted host, slapping his thigh in high glee, "that 'ud be better than a murder. It's wunnerful how a murder 'elps a 'ouse. Tek the 'Quiet Woman' o' Madeley.

Or, it may be, he forgot all this, and only considered what lay ahead for the child. At any rate, his tail, as he led the way, wagged at a sensibly lower angle. "Bill can read any kind of 'andwriting," said Tilda, half to herself and half to the dog. "What's more, and whatever's the matter, Bill 'elps." So she promised herself.

"Ye may be a jail-bird or a missioner, they'se much of a muchity, an' goes on the road lookin' quite simple like, an' the simpler they seems the deeper they is. White 'airs an' feeble legs 'elps 'em along considerable, nowt's better stock-in-trade than tremblin' shins. Or ye might be a War-office neglect, ye looks a bit set that way." "What's a War-office neglect?" asked Helmsley, laughing.

An' 'e warns Soapy to be more careful, and 'elps 'im stow it in 'is 'aversack, where it took up most the room an' weighed a ton, an' left Soapy to distribute 'is bully beef an' biscuits an' cheese an' spare socks and cetera in all the pockets 'e 'ad.

The chauffeur rose to his full height in the car and bellowed: "Zerbst! Zerbst! Zerbst!" No answer came to the call; no one came from the path to the knoll. In three minutes the archduke was grinding his teeth in a black fury. Then with an air of inspiration he cried: "I shout you shout all ad vonce!" "Every little 'elps," said the chauffeur politely.

'Elizabeth, I interposed, 'we don't want your advice. Go away at once. 'I ain't done yet. You'll be glad o' my advice in the end. Experience 'elps a lot. Some men wot's goin' to be married gets a sort o' funk at the last minnit and, bless you, they'd wriggle out o' it, yes, even if they was goin' to marry an angel out o' 'eaven.

'Soon as Jock's off duty I'm goin' there to see if 'e's safe not Mulvaney, but t'other man. My saints, but I pity 'im as 'elps Terence out o' the palanquin when 'e's once fair drunk! 'He'll come back without harm, I said. ''Corse 'e will. On'y question is, what 'll 'e be doin' on the road? Killing Dearsley, like as not. 'E shouldn't 'a gone without Jock or me.

She 'elps herself and the other lady to a brandy-and-soda, and says she, just as she let the cork fly, 'Yes, she says, 'I think you've got it. I'd 'ave give a guinea at that minute," said Hinge, "to know what they'd got, but I never thought I should till Mr. Brunow gets up and says, just at that minute, 'Let's see exactly where we stand, 'e says. 'Very well, says Sacovitch; 'it's like this.

Either you want one another or you don't. I seen you watchin' our Polly, Mr. Mahony" she made Mahony wince by stressing the second syllable of his name. "Bless you, no no relation whatsoever. She just 'elps a bit in the 'ouse, an' is company for the girls. We tuck 'er in a year ago 'er own relations 'ad played 'er a dirty trick.