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The conversion of this man, however, seemed only the signal for greater opposition on the part of some of the colliers. A number of them were baiting a bull near Madeley Wood Meeting-house one night when he was expected there to preach. "We'll wait here and bait the parson!" they cried, settling at once who should pull him off his horse, and who should set the dogs upon him. Mr.

They began to walk sharply towards where he stood. He did not stir, and the couple drew so near that he could observe their faces. In the second girl he recognised or believed that he recognised Eve Madeley. She wore a costume in decidedly better taste than her companion's; for all that, her appearance struck him as quite unlike that he would have expected Eve Madeley to present.

Both at Laytonstone and at Madeley, she attended carefully to her household, overseeing every thing connected with what is technically termed the women's department, with particular scrupulousness. At last her long and active life was nearing its close.

Fletcher's ministrations at Madeley been found to be, that on the death of her husband, and the appointment of a successor, the new rector, not wishing to retard the progress of true Christianity in his parish, requested her to continue to use the building erected for her convenience just as she had formerly done. Mrs.

He was just consoling himself with the thought that Eve would probably, before long, communicate her new address to the friends at Dudley, and by that means he might hear of it, when a dirty-faced little girl, who had stood within earshot while he was talking, and who had followed him to the end of the street, approached him with an abrupt inquiry. "Was you asking for Miss Madeley, Sir?"

Away in old England the Lord of the Manor of Leytonstone, Essex, was giving his first caresses to a tiny baby girl, later to be known as little Mary Bosanquet, and forty years later still as the wife of the saintly John Fletcher, Vicar of Madeley. Mary was but a four-year-old baby when she received her first definite conviction that God hears and answers prayer.

Utterly bewildered, the young man walked on without thought of direction, and rambled dreamily about the streets for an hour or two. He could not make up his mind whether or not to fulfil the promise of calling to see Miss Madeley to-morrow morning.

The album lay beside him, and a feeling of embarrassment, as he saw Mrs. Brewer's look rest upon it, impelled him to the decisive question. "That? Oh! that's a friend of my daughter Martha's Eve Madeley. I'm sure I don't wonder at you noticing her. But it doesn't do her justice; she's better looking than that. It was took better than two years ago why, just before you came to me, Mr. Hilliard.

In waiting that time, I learn the meaning of this prayer, 'Thy will be done. "Believe me, your sincere, though unworthy friend, To Miss HATTON: "MADELEY, January 9th, 1767. "MY DEAR FRIEND, The dream of life will soon be over; the morning of eternity will soon succeed. Away then with all the shadows of time!

"Indeed, for none but Thee, my Lord," she cried after that ordeal, "would I take up this sore cross!... O do Thine own will upon me in all things!" On the seventh day of June, a month after Fletcher's return to Madeley, was the fourteenth anniversary of Miss Bosanquet's troubled sojourn in Yorkshire.