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"The time is eleven-forty, sir," Dave reminded his superior, at the same time displaying his watch. "Sentry!" called Dave, briskly. "Aye, aye, sir!" "Aye, aye, sir." Then, returning the marine sentry answered: "It's eleven-forty, sir." Dave made the entry of the lieutenant's return. "You infernal trouble-maker," hissed Cantor, as the sentry paced on.

One of the soldiers has brought us half a dozen bottles of good wine three bottles of red and three of white but the larder remains empty. I do not know exactly what a larder is; but if it is as empty as I am at the present moment it must remind itself of a haunted house. Eleven-forty. A big van full of wounded Germans has arrived. From the windows we can see it distinctly.

On the same morning the Japanese fleet reached the island of Hai-yang, leaving their torpedo-boats behind, as there was no thought of fighting a battle. About nine o'clock smoke was seen in the distance, and at eleven-forty the Chinese fleet came into sight.

At eleven-forty, she would open the draughts and cook the sausages ready-laid in the pan on the table. Top, Senior, liked "something hot and hearty," after his midnight run, and this dispatched, smoked the nightcap pipe of peace, Junior, rolled in a shawl, on his knee. The wife's face and heart were calm with thankful content as the hours moved on.

The unidentified target that the radar had tracked across Ohio was a low-flying jet. The jet was unidentified because there was a mix-up and the radar station didn't get its flight plan. Andy checked and found that a jet out of Cleveland had landed at Memphis at about eleven-forty. At ten forty-five this jet would have been north of Dayton on a southwesterly heading.

"You'll have to give him all those things; the boys' white coats are absolutely no good to them until they're cleaned, and Mr. Bradley really needs the vests. And put in my blue waist, and all those gloves, and the lace waist, too no use letting it wait!" "The things to-day came collect, Mrs. Bradley," Hannah might respectfully remind her. "Oh, of course! And how much was it? eleven-forty?

'When are you off then, all of you? asked the doctor. 'I'm catching the eleven-forty, replied Malcolm. 'Are you goin' down wi' th' trap, Joe? 'Yes, I've told you I'm going down wi' th' trap, haven't I? 'We'd better be getting her in then. So long, Jack, if I don't see you before I go, said Malcolm, shaking hands. He went out, followed by Joe, who seemed to have his tail between his legs.

The clerk said there was a train from the south due at eleven-forty, but it seldom brought any mail; the principal mail was at seven. Langbourne thanked him, and came back again to beg the clerk to be careful and not have him called in the morning, for he wished to sleep. Then he went up to his room, where he opened his window to let in the night air.

A little way down the track the station lights were shining with misty warmth through the snow. Toward these lights the puppy trotted. Under the station eaves, and waiting to be taken aboard the almost-due eleven-forty express, several crates and parcels were grouped. One crate was the scene of much the same sort of escape-drama that Lass had just enacted.

"But the news I've been getting from Arnold's school there's nothing for me to do but to stop everything and take him back there to see what can be done to patch things up." She spoke with the patient air of one inured to the sacrifices involved in the upbringing of children. "We leave on the eleven-forty oh, I am so sorry! But it would have been only one day more.